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Tyler was just washing his hands.

He was washing his hands after he used the bathroom.

He wasn't bothering anyone,he wasn't even speaking.

It was the first day back to school and he just wanted to get back to lunch to see his friends.

But all of the sudden he couldn't breathe.

A red haired,pale,boney,(yet strong)boy was towering over him.

Tyler was up against a wall trying to catch his breath.

"Hey,fag." He seethed,cocking his head.

He had a hand around Tyler's throat.

Tyler went to punch him in the stomach,but he caught it and pinned it above his head.

"I saw you holding hands with that pink haired boy in French class." He smiled. "Pathetic. No wonder his hair is pink."

Tyler wanted to say something but all he could do was stammer.

Then he got mad at himself.

And when Tyler gets mad,he cries.

A tear rolled down his cheek.

The boy laughed.
"Your the mentally retarded kid? No wonder your gay,as well.but ya wanna know something? Faggots. Don't. Belong. Anywhere. It's not right,it's nasty and I won't have it in my school."

Tyler wanted to tell him to expand his vocabulary,but he couldn't.

He let go of Tyler and didn't give him much time to gasp before knocking the breathe out of him,again,with a punch in the gut.

Tyler fell to his knees and held his stomach.

He watched as the boy walked away and he collapsed onto the tile floor of the school bathroom.

After a bit the pain had settled a little and he used arms to push himself off the ground,before stumbling into the stall.

He threw up.
And in the midst of that,the bell rang.

He didn't care if he was late to class.
He just didn't want josh to worry.


Tyler walked into French,his gate a bit crooked.
He noticed the red haired boy.

The boy was staring at him the whole way to his seat.

"GERARD!" Mrs. Strait snapped.

The boy shot back around and smiled sarcastically at his teacher.

Tyler sat next to josh,pushing himself as far away as possible.

Josh put a hand on his knee and Tyler jerked it away.

He pulled his feet up into his chair and squished himself against the white wall,in a fetal position.

"What's wrong?" Josh asked.

He was really worried.

Tyler just shook his head. He couldn't speak,in fear that,if he opened his mouth, it'd just come out as a wheeze.

"Do you wanna talk later?"

Tyler shrugged. He didn't wanna talk.
He just wanted to sit there, he really wanted to cry. He was drowning in thoughts.
Every time the tide come in,he got a mouth full of water,and when I went back out,it took him with it,slamming him back against the shore.
And no matter how bad he wanted it,he couldn't drown.
But he wasn't going to drag josh with him when he went out.

After class josh met Tyler in the hall.

"Babe,do you need anything?" Josh asked.

Tyler just shook his head.

"Ty,what happened,I couldn't find you after lunch."

"N-nothing." Tyler voice cracked and he stopped walking.

Josh grabbed his arm and pulled him to the side.

The boy Tyler now could identify as "Gerard",passed by and snarled at them.

Tyler looked at him and tears ran down his face.
Josh followed his gaze and saw the boy.

"What'd he do?" Josh asked,looking at Tyler.

"We're gonna be late to class." Tyler wiped his face. "And people are gonna see me cry."

"I don't care about class. I care about you."

"He just said some things,can we go now?"

"You don't have to do this alone." Josh reassured him.

"Neither do you." Tyler argued.

"I'll let you go to class."

But josh knew they would talk about this later.


Josh drove Tyler back to Josh's house that day.

In the car josh brought it up. "Hey,c-can we talk about today."


"Really? Wow I expected you to get defensive."

"Well,the smart thing to do is to tell you,b-but you can't go off on anybody."
Tyler had worry in his voice.

"Okay,I'll try."

Josh wanted to pay attention to the road but he had trouble with such a beautiful person sitting next to him.

"That ki-kid caught me in the bathroom. He called me a fag,s-said-said he saw us holding hands. He hit me." Tyler swallowed the knot in his throat; he had cried too much already today. "And I puked. I-i just,I couldn't breathe,he was suffocating me. I don't know why. He just told me how disgusting I was."

Josh looked at him for a second,ty was staring at his hands,picking at some callouses.

"I would hold you,but I have to drive." Josh commented.

That made Tyler chuckle a bit.
Josh was glad he had the ability to do that to Tyler and make him feel better.

"I just," josh sighed. And with teeth gritted,continued. "I really wanna beat his ass,right now."

"That's what I was afraid of."

They pulled into Josh's drive way.

"I would do anything for you." Josh looked at Tyler. "I don't take the word 'love' lightly. When I said I love you I meant it. If I didn't mean it,I wouldn't have said it. Love is giving everything you have to someone and-and they can choose to destroy it at anytime. But-but your the first person I have ever trusted not to destroy me. I've never been in love before,but now I get what the big deal is."

Tyler didn't hesitate a second before kissing josh.

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