Chapter 2

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"Seunghyun ah?" The doctor that just come out from emergency room call Seunghyun name calmly then sit beside him.
"Yoojin ah,how is him?why he fainted something bad happen?!" Seunghyun ask panicly when saw his friend just walk out from emergency room after settle up Seungri.
"Shh,Seunghyun ah.relax.Seungri is OK now.relax don't worry he just let nurses transfer him to his own room OK" Yoojin try to calm Seunghyun then look at their person beside his best friend and it's Jiyong. "Seunghyun ah,who is this? Your friend?I never seen him before" Yoojin ask blankly and keep smile at them. "I'm Jiyong,Yoojin sshi nice to....." before Jiyong could finish his word Yoojin cut him off. "U are the Singer right!yes u are" Yoojin pooped his eyes unbelievable seeing Jiyong in front of him. "But I'm also a human Yoojin sshi" Jiyong smile to him.
"Doctor Jung" one of the nurse call Yoojin and he just nodded his head. "U may visit him now Seunghyun ah.u too Jiyong sshi" Yoojin said politely then open the door after arrived at Seungri room. "Yoojin sshi,if u are same age like Seunghyun Hyung I will call u Hyung,and I guess I'm more younger than u just drop sshi and call me Jiyong only" Jiyong said and smile again before get into Seungri room.Yoojin just smile hearing Jiyong word.he walk away to his room to settle some work and left them together inside Seungri room.

"Seungri ah!" Seunghyun went inside then hurrily hold tight right Seungri hand.he try to control himself since he still sleeping under the medicine.Jiyong that just end his talk with Yoojin walk I side with shocked when saw all the machines that attach near Seungri,his Seunghyun Hyung dongsaeng. "Oh my God.why with Seunghyun Hyung dongsaeng?!" Jiyong though inside his mind and walk scarily to the bed side. "Hyung...why with him Hyung.what wrong with your dongsaeng?what all this machines for?" Jiyong said look around the machines. "He have heart failure Jiyong dongsaeng is sick...but thank u for help just now Jiyong..if not I could think he die" Seunghyun said suddenly crying again. "What?!heart failure?!what if he get attack because of me" Jiyong though in his mind while staring at Seungri pale face. "What I guess is all true Seungri ah.thats why u look pale and tired this few days right.Hyung is sorry not noticed earlier" Seunghyun said make Jiyong suddenly look at Seunghyun.Seunghyun then smile and wipe Seungri hair.Jiyong keep staring all over Seungri face.he look at his lips nose and eyes also his face.he think he ever seen this boy before but he can't recall anything. "Ahh" Jiyong give up to think then massage his head lightly. "Jiyong ah,are u OK?" Seunghyun ask worriedly to Jiyong after noticed he so suddenly look pale. "Jiyong ah,just go rest at your's ok Seungri is my dongsaeng.I will take care of him" Jiyong just shooked his head.he keep try to recall Seungri face by keep looking at Seungri face. "He the one that help me from suicide at Han river few days ago.he is" Jiyong said in his mind happily after succed remember who is Seungri to him.

Few days ago,Jiyong just knew about his girlfriend news.die because car accident.he just couldn't stop put fault to himself.not good in taking care person.he start to drink also try a lot of suicide from the second that he knew she already die.he just can't accept the truth about her.on day he try to suicide at Han river,where to place that he remember he met Seungri.that time he was so hurting.he already cut a lot at his hand.he cut his hand and make a tattoo with her name 'Nana'. When he about to jump into Han river that time he suddenly being stop by a guy that he know now is Seungri.

"Ya!what u wanna do sir?!don't jump there it's dangerous" Seungri said from behind when saw Jiyong stand near to the bar ready to jump.maybe Jiyong drunk but he still remember the face and voice. "Go away!u can't do anything for me even I alive!" Jiyong said drunkly and keep drinking 'soju' that he bring together while he try to suicide. "Sir!don't... don't jump sir!u will!" Seungri said scarily.he try to walk near Jiyong but with his drunk state make him really scare.Seungri scare that he will beat him just because of him wanna save him from suicide.but he try his best to help him away from that place and hug him tight. "Don't die sir!it's not worth for anything sir!please don't!" Seungri keep hug him but suddey feel his chest so pain but he just ignored it and keep hug him. He wouldn't to let him go from his grip.he try his best to pull his pills out from his pocket and put it inside his mouth.he hardly to make it since he hold Jiyong from runaway.he felt relief when he already fainted after tired struggling to free himself from Seungri but failed. He breath in tired after saw few of people came to him and help him up then take Jiyong from him.he guess it's Jiyong people then he just sit near the bench after one of the man said thank u to him.

he pull out his phone and dialled his Seunghyun Hyung number.when Seunghyun arrived at there he was so angry to Seungri because he just cover himself with just T-shirt without any jacket.even though it's was cold weather.Seungri cough hard after Seunghyun give his jacket to him. "Seungri ah,let's go back u will be worse if u still stay here.let's go" Seungri walk slow to his cafe because it's not far away from Han river.but also during their walk to house,Seunghyun still angry to him because of him walk outside during cold weather and stay at a place also with cold wind. "I just met someone who want to die again Hyung.I have no choice.I help him Hyung.actually I do wear jacket Hyung,but when I saw that man not wearing jacket just a thin T-shirt I gave it to him" Seungri enter their house carefully after Seunghyun put his shoes away. "So!don't u eat the medicine?!u must get attack again!Seungri ah!" Seunghyun said worriedly and look at Seungri. "I already Hyung don't worry" Seungri cough and walk to their room that they shared togethere. Seunghyun turn on the aircond to hot temperature level and lying beside Seungri that already ready to sleep. "Hyung,why these days a lot people want to die?is their life is meaningless to them all these time.they can continue their life happily if they good in find way out.Hyung I really don't see anyone to kill them self Hyung.I'm dying over here and need life,while them that have a nice life without any disease want to take away their life like that only.Hyung.." Seungri said sadly and crying.Seunghyun then hug him and wipe his hair. Seunghyun also can't do anything since Seungri already crying,he just can calm him down from sad emotion or he will be worse.Seunghyun let Seungri sleep in his embrace after hear soft snoring from him.he then just decide to sleep after he also felt tired working since morning.
but he cancel to sleep for awhile after look at Seungri that groaning in pain however still sleeping.He then adjust his position and massage his chest carefully that he learn from his friend,Yoojin. He slowly stop it when saw Seungri already calm in his sleep.he just patted Seungri chest lightly and he fell asleep by that.
I guess a lot people will though I'm copy other story but this story fully by myself.(bc one day I'm dreaming of how gd to acting in angst drama...HAHA) maybe this story same with other author like also my sis Lin.(linsoulhope) but really I said I make this and not copying people.but if I accudently do it without realize I'm sorry.thank u..


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