Chapter 4

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After for few days stay in hospital,Seungri already can discharged from there.As soon they arrived their cafe,Seungri went to his room and lock it.He touch his left chest.Slowly he felt his face wet with tears. "Eomma,look like I found my lost Hyung,but he look like dont know who are me Eomma.
Eomma,how?I'm scared..all my wish all this time is meet him.but look like I will not meet him until I die.Eomma help me,I want meet him" He said while touch his left chest and crying sadly.
"Seunghyunnie ah" Seungri look at his back and found his Eomma at behind him and it make him hurrily hug her. "Eomma!u here? for...for real?!" She nodded her head and happily hug her son back lovingly. "Seunghyunnie,Eomma hear that u found your lovely Hyung?right?so what wrong u crying just now.Eomma so worried u know.stop crying my baby Seunghyunnie" Seungri Eomma ask in worry and wipe her son tears. "I don't know Eomma,he like don't know me and it break my heart.I really want to meet least before I go.." Seungri can't continue his word because his Eomma suddenly put one if her finger at his mouth. "My baby Seunghyunnie will not go.not yet.u still young still need to feel everything in this's OK if he don't know u for know,but for let him know u are u..just be friend with him,again my close to him as a's OK just start everything again..." Seungri Eomma then kiss Seungri forehead lightly before she walk away and faded. "How I wish u were here Eomma.find and meet Jiyong Hyung like u also wish" Seungri smile and pull out the photo frame that he and his last mom together with Jiyong also his last father.he kiss it and put it at his chest before he save it again in drawer. "This only my memory with him and with both of u Eomma Appa" .He walk out from his room after he already releasing his stress awhile ago   and help his Seunghyun Hyung at cafe,together with his real Hyung,Jiyong Hyung.
"Hyung.." Seungri greet both of them after arrived at the cafe from his room at level 2. Both of Jiyong and Seunghyun smile at him then let him sit. "Seungri why u come here..Just rest..aigooo u so diligent to help people huh?" Seunghyun tease Seungri that walk to sink even Seunghyun ask him to sit down at the chair near the kitchen session. "Hyung,just go rest.let me do it OK...ignore Seunghyun Hyung.I dead boring now.OK Daedae Hyung?" Seungri whisper to his Seunghyun Hyung new worker,Daesung to go rest and he take his job awhile. "Hyung...I'm sorry" Daesung bow down and walk away to the place that Seunghyun ask Seungri to before.Seunghyun just nod his head then walk to Seungri. "Aigoo,u so naughty Seungri.just go rest..." Seungri pout cutely at Seunghyun and make Seunghyun just sigh. "But Hyung..."
"Alright, just finish it then take the food and go eat...u know the cafe will be full with crowd of people when 10 am hurry.I will make your fav food now.OK?" Seunghyun smile and patted Seungri head before work to his kitchen to cook.Jiyong just look at both of them with some of jealous feeling. "They are so sweet.aish...why I didn't have a little brother like Seunghyun Hyung...Seungri so lucky..even sick still there is people that love him" he smile widely with kinda sad feeling. He pull out his phone and saw there is a lot noti from his mom,his mom choice daughter in law and some of his real fans from instagram that support him even he already known as a stupid Singer that already try to suicide few times.He just read all the message with sad feeling,that being send by his mom and her choice daughter in law.

Yah!when will u comeback here huh?do u want to put a shame on me?!u know u will marry with her this end month the replace for your stupid girlfriend that died?! Comeback here Jiyong!

"Stupid mom!I hate u" Jiyong whisper slowly and he bend his head down,crying.But still keep his heart strong to read second message by Ryna,his mom choice daughter in law.

Baby?where u going... u know we need to go find our wedding dress,setting plan and making our invite come back please...we will marry end of this month right

Again he crying after read it...he just read it but not reply.he felt so hurting by their action.he though he will be free if he run away from them, but still they find him by this stupid marry ceremony..."if I want marry,I want to with my Nana,not her Mrs.Kwon...u are a mom without heart and understand me as your son" he said in his mind and pretend to sleep after he read it.

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