Chapter 20

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Seunghyun walk to Seungri room after he done visit coma Jiyong. His eyes red, swollen. His heart broken apart. Even he stop crying, his heart still screaming in pain. His dongsaeng now dying and need new heart for survive while Jiyong still sleep in his own world. How pain he felt when Youngbae explain that Jiyong already coma for a week and just want Seungri to come here visit him but Seungri can't make it happen. " should I give you my heart Seungri? " Seunghyun ask and look at Seungri still sleeping after faint hours ago. He suddenly remember how Jiyong were when he visit him awhile ago.

" Hyung " Youngbae show to Seunghyun Jiyong room and it's make Seunghyun shock. He literally cant believe this. Seungri Hyung would be into this after had a hard time finding Seungri. " it's my fault. I shouldn't agree with Seungri. I shouldn't... now look Jiyong, Seungri hurting. In deep pain. " Seunghyun desperately crying and hit himself. Youngbae again must to soothing him. " Hyung, it's a fate. Don't be like this... I promise both of them will be safe and fine. Mostly is they can meet again.. just need our pray Hyung " Youngbae soothing Seunghyun and shock when hear Mrs Kwon walk in with clapping her hands and laughing devilly. Ryna at behind just smile evil at them as follow Mrs Kwon style. " so you the Seunghyun Hyung? I mean that son of bitch Hyung? HAHAHA.. so you are the one been hit from my man a while ago " Mrs Kwon ask like joking to both of Youngbae and Seunghyun. " Mrs Kwon! Watch your words! " Youngbae yell to her as he angry with with her words saying Seungri such the bad things. " his fucking mom siez my husband for her happiness and left me alone. Is that not a bitch? Feel happy for people sorrow? Explain to me Doing Youngbae " Mrs Kwon said in cold tone. " but who you to judge who is him?! " Seunghyun yell angrily to Mrs Kwon. " I'm Yoo SeonYil... Kwon Yeoseok wife. I'm here to tell you that his mom is seiz my husband, my happiness and son and everything! Because of she agree with my husband propose, I'm alone. I nearly get die if I didn't think to get revenged over her. She lucky because she died early before got into my hands. And Thank God she have her son as replace. HAHA... I never though this would be this fun. That's why people said don't play with the flame. Don't pour more gasoline in the fire. and thats it. She ask for this and I make this happen. Serve her right! Anyway I heard you want meet my son with that son of bitch right? May I know where you got permission for Jiyong your son? Jiyong is my son and I have right to agree and disagree with anything! " Mrs Kwon hately said those bad words to Seungri make Seunghyun crying harder. " still he is my and Jiyong dongsaeng! They have been struggle to meet. Seungri nearly to meet his death but try hard to be strong just to meet Jiyong! Can you have mercy?! " Seunghyun yell. " I don't fucking care Choi Seunghyun. His mom ask for this. I just give what she request. HAHA " Mrs Kwon lend down to Seunghyun and whisper to him. Then walk to the door. " plus, don't you dare to bring that Seunghyun here or I kill him like I done to Nana. HAHA " Mrs Kwon mentally laughing and leave the room. Seunghyun cry harder when remember all Mrs Kwon words to Seungri. He look at Jiyong and promise to bring Seungri meet him no matter what. He leave the room and walk Seungri room. He will fight this!

Flashback end.

" Hyung " Seungri call Seunghyun behind the oxygen mask in weak as he just wake up from sleep. Seunghyun lend his face to Seungri near and tears up. " Jiyong.. Jiyong Hyung... please " Seungri keep call Jiyong Hyung and it's really make Seunghyun cry. He pat Seungri hands to be strong as he don't want make Seungri to be hurting by Mrs Kwon, his step mother. Seungri tears flows down from his corner eyes as Seunghyun just shook his head with tears at his eyes too. " Jiyong hyung... Jiyong Hyung... please " Seungri keel begging at Seunghyun to bring him to his Jiyong Hyung but Seunghyun keel shook his head with tears. " why? Jiyong Hyung... Jiyong Hyung.... " Seungri cry more harder when Seunghyun hide has face and cry with shook his head to ask Seungri question. " we will meet him later OK. Rest first Seungri. You are still tired. Don't force yourself " Seunghyun make the final decision to Seungri as he didn't stop begging. " but... but... I... I can.. I'm not... tired Hyung.. Jiyong Hyung... " Seungri hardly tell Seunghyun just to meet Jiyong hurrilly as he can't wait. " we will meet him soon, be patience Seungri. " Seunghyun said and massage Seungri chest because he suddenly Seungri hissed in pain. Seunghyun cry, he don't know he made the promise or he just tell the lie over weak Seungri. Even he know weak people can be lied, but Seungri never easy to be lied. He easily read poeple eyes. He do trust Seunghyun. But Seunghyun scare he will dissapoint Seungri. Seungri close his eyes when he feel the pain is a bit gone. Seunghyun wipe all the tears from Seungri eyes and kiss his forehead. Youngbae walk inside Seungri room and sit beside Seunghyun. " Hyung, how Seungri? "

" he begging to meet Jiyong Bae, I can't. I scared. Mrs Kwon literally tell us to becareful with her. She's dangerous Bae. We can't play with her. The swear she made since their old times is the thing that she will remember until her last breath. Mrs Kwon didn't get Seungri mom and she will get Seungri as replace. We also didn't know if she tell us a lie she didn't hurt Seungri if we didn't come and meet Jiyong. She like have a lot of lie. But when seeing how weak Seungri when he begging to me I can't Bae. He miss Seungri and Seungri miss him too. " Seunghyun cry over again thinking Seungri fate. He fell into sleep when Youngbae embrace him to calm him down. Youngbae just let Seunghyun sleep nicely on the couch before left the room to Jiyong room. He kiss Seunghyun and Seungri cheek before walk to Jiyong. How hard Seungri and Jiyong struggle to meet up. Thats what Youngbae though while walking to Jiyong.
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Kemaman, Terengganu
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Here the new update and it's kinda sad I guess..Hehe.. sorry don't send hate over me. Its ff after all.. sent love la..AHHAH my Our baby panda is open for request... request OK.. open until forever! BAHGAGAG... BYE😉

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