Chapter 26

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Next morning, I try hard to wake up with heavy eyes. I saw someone near me. But I can't tell who is it. Boy or girl. But I can tell that he/she just doing nothing on me. My eyes still blur that make me can't see the person infront me. " Hyung " I call Jiyong Hyung behind my oxygen mask in weak because I feel so much tired. " Sir, just rest. I just draw some blood for check up. Your Hyung stay outside. Don't worry. I will ask them to enter after I done. " the nurse said politely to me. I just nodded weakly. I have no energy to ask why she draw my blood. But just accept it. Suddenly I feel that I want to vomiting. " nurse, vomit " I said weak. She then open the oxygen mama and put the plastic bag at my mouth. I start vomit. It's weird for me to get vomit cause I didn't eat anything yet. I cry hard because it's hurt me so much. The nurse then clean up my face which is got mess from vomit. She put back my oxygen mask when she noticed I got difficulty to breath. I just sleep back after I saw that nurse talking with my Hyung at door.
Seungri POV end
" he vomited just now, sir. He also got difficulty to breath. His hands and feet cold like ice. That's all. " the nurse explain when Jiyong, Seunghyun, Daesung and Youngbae walk to her. Ryna just sit on the chair near them. She excuse herself after done explain. All of them sigh and worried because they still didn't know about the result. " I ant wait to know what she done to Seungri. I need to know now! Argh! " Jiyong shout. He walk out from hospital to police station with hospital cloth.
Jiyong angrily ask the police officer to bring out his mom. " call Mrs Kwon out now! I want meet her now! " Jiyong said angry in the police station. Most of people there staring at him because he come there with hospital cloth. " Eomma! What you doing again huh?! You want kill him?! What you done to him Eomma! " Jiyong angrily ask when saw the police officer bring out Mrs Kwon awhile later. " yes I want kill him! He deserve to die! I just poison him with overdose propranolol. Just let him die! So you will be more happy my son. So just wait until he die! " Mrs Kwon said without any guilty. " Eomma! I hate you! I love him Eomma! He not a burden for me. I happy with him Eomma! " Jiyong argue. " sir, don't cause the noise here. Please get out. " one of police officer spoke up because too noisy. " I hate you Eomma! " Jiyong said for last time before he walk out from police station. " Aish! Why! " Jiyong shout. Stressed out with situation. He don't care people looking weird at him. He just come back to hospital to tell the reason why Seungri become like that. " Hyung! I knew the reason why Seungri become like that! It's propranolol poison! " Jiyong said. And in the same time, the lab result out. It's not take a long time to its out.
" I told you Hyung! She really poison with that! Damn she not my mom anymore! " Jiyong angry after doctor explain everything in his room. " Jiyong Sshi, calm down. propranolol  is a beta - blocker for affect the heart and circulation. Blood flow through arteries and veins. Propranolol is used to treat tremors, angina (chest pain), hypertension (high blood pressure), heart rhythm disorders, and other heart or circulatory conditions. It is also used to treat or prevent heart attack, and to reduce the severity and frequency of migraine headaches. " The doctor explain. " but the point here. He's overdose this that make him into that situation. We can't help except wait until next 55 hours to make Propranolol walk out from his body system. I'm sorry. " the doctor explain and sigh. " 55 hours?! It's 2 days and half we must see him suffer for breathing! Argh! " Jiyong angry again. " Jiyong! Calm down please. " Seunghyun hold Jiyong body.  " Doctor what the side effect from this? What I just know Seungri got difficulty with his breath. " Daesung ask ignore the other two. " slow or uneven heartbeats, a light-headed feeling, like you might pass out sometimes he will got
wheezing or trouble breathing, shortness of breath swelling " the doctor explaination enough make them shock. But he continue again.
" sudden weakness, vision problems, or loss of coordination, cold feeling in your hands and feet , depression, confusion, hallucinations also the effect will attack him. Besides all of that,
liver problems such as nausea, upper stomach pain, itching, tired feeling, loss of appetite, also a part of the effect. " the doctor bow after done explain. " so we must seeing him suffer with these side affects for two days and half?! " Daesung shout angry. Jiyong, Seunghyun and Youngbae look at him shock cause he the one hard to angry become like that.
Seungri POV
I woke up again with slow heartbeats that make me hard to breath. I look around and found Ryna Noona near my bed. My throat suddenly feel uncomfortable again. I try hard to shook Ryna Noona hand so she will wake up. With hard try she wake up and I try again to tell her that I want to vomit. " vomit, Noona " I said hardly and she hurrily bring out a plastic and put at my mouth after pull out the oxygen mask. She help me to get up abit so I can vomit easily. " do you feel better Seungri? " Ryna Noona ask me. I nodded and laid again. Why I feel hard to breath so much. My heartbeats also slow like I'm dying. It's hurt so much just to breath. Suddenly I feel Ryna Noona wipe my forehead. " why you sweating a lot Seungri ya. Are you that hot? This room already cold enough. " she ask and touch my hands. She hurrily bring away her hands after touch me. " your hands so cold Seungri! Are you fever? " Ryna Noona ask. I just close I eyes when I heard my Hyung rushing get in to my room. And Jiyong Hyung firstly approach me.

" Seungri, are you alright? " he ask me in worried and touch my forehead. I look at Jiyong Hyung in blurry eyes and I nodded. " you having fever Seungri. I'm sorry Seungri. " Jiyong Hyung hold my hand. I'm thinking why he apologize. " why Hyung " I ask slow. I could see his tears in his eyes and again I feel something want to out from my throat. " vomit, Hyung " I hardly said and Ryna Noona hurrily pass the plastic to Jiyong Hyung. Jiyong Hyung help to get me up abit from bed to let me throw easily and open up my oxygen mask. Jiyong Hyung wipe my back and it make me feel better. After I done vomit, my head got hurting again and my tears fall down. Jiyong Hyung laid me down and put back my oxygen mask. I cry harder when the headache keep torture me. Jiyong Hyung try hard to calm me and in the end I sob and fall sleep again. A day seems so long for me with this torture.
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Kemaman, Terengganu
Ig: Airakaila
Sec Ig: Annziseyoo_
Tysm lovely to all your support! You guys are my everything! Even tho my story not that good but you guys still reading it! HAHAHA. Love you guys! Will give you a lot updates as present. Muah 💋 💞

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