Chapter 1

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~Nico's PoV ~

Leaving Percy confused and Annabeth snickering made me feel a little better as I walked over to Solace, him still tapping his foot and waiting for me to get over to him.

"You. Infirmary. Now." He ordered and I roll my eyes but don't complain. Yet. When we get their he forced me to sit on a inspection table then instructed me to take off my filthy jacket which I do gladly.

"Alright, lift your shirt up..." He said getting out a first aid kit. I blush a little but raise it up slightly only exposing a little of my stomach, when he turns to me he rolls his eyes shaking his head.

"More Nico, I need to see your chest." I avoided eye contact when I feel him staring at my scarred, skinny, pale body. I suddenly feel really self conscious.

He inspects my werewolf gashes, "I see Coach Hedge used some healing magic on you already, but that not enough, Satyr magic, ambrosia, and nectar can only go so far.. You need mortal medication. Luckily that's what I exceed in." He said with a matter-of-fact tone.

I had to keep myself from rolling my eyes again, he really makes me want to though.

He went into his cabinet that was covered and posters you'd see at a mortal school like 'Don't Do Drugs!' And 'Remember to Always Wash Your Hands!'
The walls were covered with charts of the human body parts and doodles looked like they were drawn by kids.

He saw me inspecting them, "There mostly from my mortal siblings.. My mom married after Apollo and had 3 little ones... They like me a lot I guess..." He said half smiling as he grabbed a bottle of rubbing alcohol.

I eyed the bottle, "Its gonna sting.." He said dabbing a cotton ball in it and then pressing it against my scratch marks, I whince and suck in air biting my lip, he didn't say anything as he continued.

After the painful part was over he grabbed a roll of bandages and bandaged a large portion of my torso so he got all the scratches in it.
"I'll clean them again in a week, but right now you need to get out of those disgusting rags and into some sleepware and get your death butt to bed." He informed.

"I don't have any other clothes.." I say narrowing my eyes, which would disturb most people but Will Solace was unphased.

"Thought you'd say that, don't worry the camp provided a few spare clothing." He said getting a duffle bag out.

There was two pairs of Kakis shorts, a pair of black skinny jeans, a brown fleece coat, two Camp Half Blood t-shirts, a solid black T-shirt and black boxers. "Thanks..." I say not looking up at him but I can practically feel his smile.

He let me get changed in the bathroom into the boxers and one of the camps t-shirts then led me to a section with a bunch of beds with tacky bedsheets, he put me in one covered with different Disney characters.

I raised my eyebrow as to say 'really?' "Hey now, don't be picky." He said and for what feel like the 100th time today I roll my eyes again but lay in the bed.
As soon as I hit the mattress I realized how tired I really was, I had been running on pure adrenaline before and it had officially ran out long ago but I still forced it to work, now my body felt like it was going to almost completely shut down.

As my eyelids close I hear Solace say something about food later which I don't really think I'll eat but whatever, right now I need to sleep.

~Will's PoV ~

I knew he'd pass out right away, I shake my head tsking him, I tried to stay as calm as possible which I think I exceeded in but internally I was freaking out.

He is SOOO unhealthy, its a question of how he's even alive right now.

He's a strong fighter I'll tell you that.
First off you can just tell by his eyes he rarely gets enough sleep, I've never seen such dark heavy bags on someone, his were almost as black as his hair.

Secondly, by his pale complexion you can tell he really needs some light from my dad's ca- I mean the sun.

And lastly from his sunken in cheeks and stomach you can tell he's literally made of just bones and a little bit of muscle. As soon as he wakes up I'm going to force feed him a proper meal.

But right now I need to deal with other patients hurt in battle, there were deaths... But only a few here are fatally injured the rest have minor things like broken ribs or gash on the arm from a weapon, nothing a little nectar and ambrosia can't fix.

I would say the same for Nico's scratches but he's so much weaker then most of the kids here, and hotter to I might add.

I don't know why but I always sorta had a thing for guys with gloomy vibe, I know its weird coming from an Apollo kid but hey, they say opposites attract, and Nico's defiantly my opposite.

If only he were gay or Bi, but I doubt it, not a lot of people here are and what are the chances he is? Like 1.5 in 100.

I shake my head then go on into another room where an Ares girl with an arrow stuck in her arm.
Though she didn't look in pain or suffering, instead she had her arms crossed and the most aggressive ticked off expression you could imagine.

If I wasn't a doctor I would have found it funny but this was serious.
"Alright..." I look at her paperwork, "Wendy.. I'm gonna pull it out gently, just try not to move.." She grunted in response.

I very very very slowly pull it out which literally takes over and hour and a half. Her expression didn't change in the slightest.

Once it was completely out which surprisingly it didn't bleed, she sat up and looked like she was about to run off.

"Now to find that jerk who shot me..." "Ah ah ah!" I scolded, "We have a policy, all patients must stay at the minimum of 24 hours after a procedure. Please lay back down."

She gritted her teeth but obeyed, I went to fetch her some ambrosia and then moved on to my next patient.

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