Chapter 19

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~Will's PoV~

Within a week the whole camp (and probably Camp Jupiter to cause Hazel IMed Nico and immediately asked to speak with me so she could threaten me if I ever broke her brothers heart she'd crush me with a giant gold boulder) that we were dating.

Right now Nico was out, I had asked him where he was going he said down under. I think he meant the Under World cause I doubt he would need to go to Australia.

We've been the talk of Cabin 10 for better or for worse. Since I was apparently a friend of Piper (not saying I'm not but we really aren't that close) Drew has been hard on us.

Taking every opportunity to make rude comments about me, telling me how stupid and full of crap I was,I really didn't mine but when she started talking about Nico that made me crack.

"He's such a creep, so what if he helped during the titan war? That's so like, two years ago now."
She said inspecting her nails acting like a total snob.

"Rumor has it he killed a roman for no reason, he's wild and rabid and will probably try to kill us in our slee-"

I quickly grabbed a campers daggers they carelessly on the table I pointed it right under her chin and for a moment more then just panic and fear settled into her expression, she looked like she was having déjà vu.

"How about you shut your pretty little face up before I rearrange it?" I growled.

Whoa! When did I get so aggressive?!

She looked taken a back and in a split second literally ran out the dining pavilion and it was silent for a minute before everything went back to normal.

The owner of the dagger asked for her weapon back and after I returned it I set off to but in a different direction.
I was walking through the woods trying to figure out what the heck I just did.

She was talking crap about your boyfriend! You had every right to threaten her!

But that seemed a little to over the top.

I haven't felt like that since- since-

I choked back a small sob not wanting to do think about it, I needed to be strong.

A sudden familiar cold sense washed over me that oddly made me feel warm inside.

I turned around plastering on a smile.
"Neeks! You're bac-!!" I suddenly stopped as a cold chill went straight down my spine along with a wave of crushing fear.

Nico was there alright.

Standing in front of a ten foot doberman with three heads.

Nico seemed to be unfazed as he patted the dogs leg.

"Will meet Cerberus."

"Wait, the Cerberus?!"

"What other Cerberus is there? You can call him Spot to if you want."
)Quick fun fact under some terms Cerberus means literally spot in Greek, so yeah the lord of the Under World named his puppy Spot.(

I don't think the dog would appreciate it that much considering all three heads were staring at me growling, one head had foams dipping from its mouth.

Nico finally seemed to sense it and started to scold the dog.

"No Cerberus, bad boy, no growling at the locals, even if you think they'd make good chew toys." Instantly Cerberus bowed his heads down and started whimpering.

I hope that last part about chew toys wasn't true.

"So um, why did you bring him up here? Isn't he supposed to be making sure Souls don't do that one thing?" I asked sorta forgetting his exact job.

Nico started petting his left head and looked at me with a frown.
"He's supposed to make sure souls or the living cross borders into the mortal world once they've died or eaten food from there, also to make sure the living don't come in. But that doesn't seem to have a real affect anymore considering he was once wooed by Annabeth Chase with a ball."

He took a deep breath before continuing, "Also he's still there but here at the same time, its complicated.."

I decided not to question it further.

"So why is he here?"

"Hm? Oh, dad thought he could use some fresh air. Its been what? About 726 years since he last saw daylight I think he deserves some exercise."

I nodded and though the dog acted rather puppyish around Nico I could tell he wasn't to crazy about me.

Unless of course to rip my head off.

With that said Nico started off towards the camp, Cerberus at his heels, I rushed to keep up and Nico rolled his eyes smiling as he laced his arm through mine.

I smiled to and pecked his cheek really quick and I didn't need to look to know his face was heating up again.

We made it down to the arena where Tyson was wrestling with Mrs.O'Leary. As soon as he saw Cerberus his face lit up and he squealed "PUPPY!" Before bounding forward with Mrs.O'Leary right behind him.

I almost wanted to shout at them to be careful cause I didn't know how Cerberus would react but he greeted both of them like old friends as he joined in the rough housing.

Well now I know he just doesn't like me.

"He really is harmless when you get to know him, a big softie, he just wants attention really." Nico said staring at the three playing, are arms were still laced together as he rested his head on my shoulder.

For a few minutes we just stood there and I felt so hopeful for the future together.

Nico and Will di Solace.

I don't know where that came from but it made my face light up.
Gods! Already thinking of marriage and we've only been dating for a week! I'm worse then Rachel!

Grover came around the corner and looked terrified before almost laughing or bleating or whatever.

He ran off which seemed like the smart thing to do but almost 10 minutes later came back with a sick looking Annabeth, but that didn't make sense, Annabeth was supposed to be in New Rome.

"Remind me to never ride that horse again after this now what did you want to show me?"

Grover pointed out to Tyson, Mrs.O'Leary, and Cerberus and her face lit up with happiness.

Cerberus saw her and it was all over as the dog bounded over and grabbed her in between his paw lightly as his heads took turns licking her face.
She laughed and nuzzles his middle nose.

The four of them played for hours until Annabeth had to get back to Percy.

They said their goodbyes and after she left he was a whimpering mess but quickly regain composure laying eyes on me growling again.

I sighed, Nico said he was going to stay for a bit since there was no real hurry so like a week at the most.
Hopefully I won't become dog chow in the next 6 or 7 days.

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