Chapter 9

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~Nico's PoV~

I was wondering how I can was going to ask Will to the picnic.

We were both in history class in a circle outside near the woods all sitting in a circle criss cross around are tree Nymph teacher.

We were learning about when Zues had to be Kronos's cup bearer and tricked him into throwing up all of his siblings.

Will was sitting about two campers down from me and was into the story though he's probably heard it like 8 times.

Out of all the things I could've done I decided to write him a note.
After I had wrote it I folded it up and was going to ask the kid next to me to pass it but the teacher was to quick.

"You should know better then this Mr.di Angelo.." She said tsking and swooping up my note and she read it out loud to the class.

Hey Will,
I was wondering if you'd like to join me and a few others on a picnic? If it sounds dumb you don't have to, just, thought it would be nice for you to come.
~Death Boy

I saw Will's face go bright red as the campers started snorting and snickering.

I was so embarrassed, flustered, and angry, that I didn't even realize that I had made the ground split open and skeletons were crawling out.

Kids were screaming but the skeletons were going after the teacher where my rage was targeted.

She screeched and turned into a oak right there.

Will shaking me finally snapped me back to reality as I moved my hands in a down motion and they sunk back down into the ground.

I collapsed right then and there, my knees gave out and I was about to hit the ground but of course Will caught me.

Without a word he picked me up and started to carry me back to my cabin.
When we got there he set me down in the bed and instantly started scolding me.

"Nico di Angelo! What were you thinking?!"

Truth was I wasn't thinking. My emotions totally took over in that, I guess how I feel can trigger that. He looked really mad but sighed.

"You didn't pass out this time so that means you're improving, but right now you need sleep, oh, and yeah, I would love to go on that picnic with you." He said trying to keep looking mad while blushing.

I felt my face heat up to and was about to say something but he shushed me.

I closed my eyes and exhaustion hit me like a bullet train and I was out cold.

~Will's PoV~
As soon as Nico was out I squealed like a little girl. He basically just asked me out sorta, not really, but sorta..!
I mean obviously there will be other people there and its no big deal but still..!

I have to tell Austin!
I ran out of the cabin knowing Nico will be out for hours. I was so excited I didn't even notice I had ran right into a girl until I felt the impact that knocked us both over.

She had been carrying cans of bright paint and lime green started spilling out everywhere.
"I am so sorry!" I say picking up some of the cans and she put the lid to the lime green back quickly, and I realized who it was.

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