Chapter 3

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~Will's PoV ~
Nico can be sorta a prat sometimes, though it really is his attitude in general, I had honestly gotten a little of jealous of Hazel for two reasons, one: I didn't know it was his sister at first and thought maybe it was his "lady friend", and two: she's able to make Nico laugh and smile..

At least I got TO see him happy, though I really want to make him smile myself... He does look super cute and hot at the same time when he does smile, I wanna save that image in my head forever.

I'm checking on some of my other patients at the moment, Wendy the arrow girl got dismissed literally an hour ago.

Wow, that made me realize I only have like 11 more hours before Nico gets dismissed. I've got to try to make the most of it while I still can.

After I get done I go back to his room to find him awake, and talking to some blonde guy with glasses and a Roman camp shirt on.

I scowl without meaning to, I don't have anything against Romans at all but I seriously can't help getting jealous when someone is talking to Nico, it sounds selfish but I'm just like that.

They didn't notice me yet, " Nico you should stay here longer, you defiantly are NOT strong enough yet."

"But Jason it gets cramped and boring in here. Plus its super bright and cheerful. I can't stand crap like that and you know it." 

Ouch, that hurt.

"Alright you can go back to your cabin but you gotta have someone to watch over you." That Jason guy said after a minute.

"Ug. Can't you do it?"

"Sorry dude, I got like, a thousand something shrines and temples to build for all the minor gods and goddesses."

It was quiet like they were both thinking. "How about Percy?" Jason suggested.

"Your kidding right?" Nico said with so much sass I almost snorted.

"Oh yeah... Forgot about that..." Jason said sorta quietly. Forgot what? What's he talking about?

"Who's taking care of you here? Maybe they'll do it?" I'd do it. "I don't know about that... They're kinda....." Nico's voice traveled off in a unsteady tone.

I'm kinda what? You don't have to be a wad Nico. Gods.

"Don't worry Jase I'll find someone eventually, you just focus on.. Whatever your doing." Nico said. Jason nodded and fist bumped with Nico then left going pass without noticing me.

I waited a few seconds before entering the room, Nico was straightening his blankets and stuff, then he saw me his face went sorta pink, "Oh, hey Solace.."

"Hi.." I said gruffly.

Honestly I'm a little peeved off with Nico right now, I know he's dark and all deathy but he can give fun and bright things a chance once in a while.

"Hey Will..? Can I get lunch please...?" He asked with a small voice that I couldn't help but find adorable.

Dam it.

"Y-yeah.. I'll be back in a minute.." I say and he nodded and then I went off to get him some food. I literally cannot stay mad at him, it's like impossible.

"Hey Will..!" I heard someone yell from the Apollo table when I get to the dining pavilion. It was my sister Kayla and my brother Austin. I walked over to them.

"Dude, where have you been?! You haven't sat down and had a meal with us in ages!" Austin said, but Kayla wiggled her eyebrows.

"I think I know wh~y!" She sung.

"Oh yeah? Why?" I asked raising my eyebrow and crossing my arms.

"Me and Lou Ellen have been theorizing it for a time but we believe you might be in a relationship with one of your patients, mainly a certain son of Hades.." She said smirking.
I felt my face heat up.

"N-not yet! I'm not even sure he likes guys!" I whisper shout.

"Ah ah ah dear brother William that wasn't a no!" She said and I knew she was to smart for her own good.

"Uggg. Fine. So maybe I find him attractive. That doesn't mean anything..! He won't even give me a second glance.." I rub my arm and look away.

    Austin and Kayla and a few of my other siblings that had been listening in hugged me, that's the nice thing about having a lot of siblings. You always have some moral support.

"Don't worry Willy! We'll figure something out!"

"My boyfriends in Aphrodite, I can ask his siblings to help!" One of my sisters Lyric said.

"Yeah! That would work!" Another one chimed in.

Annnnnd within a few moment I was kicked out of the group so that they could plan out a perfect idea to get me with Nico.

     "Sorry Will! We want it to be a surprise!" Kayla yelled.

"Plus aren't you supposed to be somewhere anyways?"

"Oh right! I'm supposed to bring Nico lunch!" I say slapping my forehead for forgetting.

I got together Nico a grilled cheese sandwich and when I came back their was a huge crowd of Apollo, Aphrodite, and even some Hephaestus kids gather around my dads table.
They were talking in muffled but obvious whispers. I rolled my eyes a little but smiled slightly before going back to the infirmary. 

Nico looked at the sandwich, "That's it? I feel likes I could eat a cow!"

"You seem to have short term memory death boy, you can't eat big portions or you'll throw up again."

He sighed but nodded and took the grilled cheese, he savored every bite and then threw away the paper plate. "Thank you Solace.." He said before nodding off again.

I watched how easy it was for him to go to sleep. He looked so cute. "Your welcome." I say and without thinking I kissed his forehead, he was already asleep and wasn't phased but my own actions startled me.

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