Chapter 16

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~Will's PoV~

I was pretty excited, I was going back to CHB today. I had the best time ever on tour, I got to spend a lot of quality time with my family which was a rare case these days.

I got to meet some really famous singers (in which one was my half brother and we had a nice talk about life as a demigod)

I got everyone a little present, for the whole Cabin 7 I got a new karaoke machine and a lot of new popular CDs since the Ares cabin broke are last one getting to competitive during the song
The Final Countdown.

For Cecil and Lou Ellen I got an assortment of junk food, like cream pies, twinkies, and mini donuts, and for Nico.. I got him a shirt, when I was walking by the store it just screamed Nico so I had to buy it.

I still feel pretty bad for not saying bye to him, I mean, he was basically ignoring me, and we weren't really talking, but Nico is still my friend, a really special friend to me, I wouldn't ever stop liking him.

I mean! As a friend! *cough* of course.

Okay I admit it, I had a bigger crush then what I realized on Nico di Angelo.

I had some time at night to think about how are relationship really was and what happened to it. Then I thought about how I truly felt for him and I said it out loud before I realized it.

"I love him.."

At that moment my mom had popped her head around the corner with her eyebrow raised.

Oh gods just recalling that memory made me cringe, talk about a mood killer.

When the RV pulled up at the side of the road a lot of my siblings were there waiting for me.

I said goodbye to my family and went down the hill pass the boarder where I was swarmed.

"Did you have a good time?!"

"Was it fun?!"

"Who did you get to see?!"

"Didja bring us something??!"

I hushed every one as I got went into my duffel bag. Triumphantly I held the karaoke machine up in the air as a lot them started cheering as I handed it off and the CDs as they started to leave saying a bunch of Thank Yous and hugs from them as they made their way back to the camp grounds for an eventful night.

The only people left were Cecil and Lou Ellen and my heart dropped when I didn't see Nico.

But I pushed it aside as I greeted my friends, Cecil was already digging through my duffel bag for anything else which he found the snacks pretty quick.

We walked a little into the Strawberry fields where Demeter kids waved at us as the sun started to set. I decided to just take a seat on the grass and with out a question Cecil and Lou Ellen did the same as I stared passing around snacks and we just pigged out on junk food for a bit.

"So what were you up to Solace?" Lou Ellen said with a bit of sugar on her mouth from the powdered donuts. Those were her favorite.

I soon told them about every where I've been, all the stops and the concerts, about my famous brother and everything in between.

They were fascinated, I kinda felt bad about talking about it considering I knew Lou Ellen was from a poor family that could never do those kinds of things and Cecil's mom died when he was younger so he stays at camp. But they didn't seem to mind.

"Wow, imagine all the stuff I could get away with stealing at one of those shops, I bet it would be so crowded no one would know!" Cecil said with a glimmer in his eye as Lou Ellen rolled hers.

I laughed, it was nice just having quality time with my friends.
"Oh yeah, di Angelo said he wanted you to meet him when you came back, in the Hades Cabin.." Lou Ellen said wiggling her eyebrows as Cecil smirked.

I blushed bright red, I was sure I was the same shade at the strawberries.
"Guys.. He doesn't like me like that..."

"Or does he?"

"Go on Will! Go see your man! We'll take care of the rest of these snacks for you!" Cecil grabbed as many as he could before shoving me up and I tsked still blushing as I made my way down to the Camp Grounds.

When I got down there I noticed a huge crowd of kids were gathered around my cabin.
They had even borrowed a portable catwalk from the Aphrodite cabin as they sung and dance, at least 3\4s of the camps population was there.

I walked bye not feeling up to dropping my things off there, I was pretty tired from being in a vehicle and all the traveling and I wanted somewhere quiet, the Hades Cabin was perfect.

I didn't bother knocking on the door as I threw some of my stuff to the side, it was pretty dark inside and I looked over on the bed to see Nico reading a book.

"You know reading in the dark is bad for your vision."

He hissed at me and I backed off a little, yeah he was pretty pissed.
"Alright, alright, I know when I'm not wanted.."

I turned around to grab my things but what I didn't expect was him to get up and wrap his arms around me from behind.


"Don't fucking call me that Solace."

I roll my eyes. "You know I got you something.." At that he let go and I turned around to see his eyes glimmering with anticipation.
I quickly dug into my bag until I found the tank top.

He glared down at it when I showed him

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He glared down at it when I showed him.

"That is the most stereo typical idiotic shirt I've ever seen..."


He grabbed it from me and buried his face in it to hide his face I had seen turned slightly pink.

"And I fucking love it."

I smiled and laugh as I ruffled his hair softly.

"So do you forgive me?" I ask.

"No. Never. You are a wad of unforgivable dumbness." He growled looking up at me before scootching closer to where his head was rest on my chest.
"I really missed you... I didn't get that much sleep..."

I felt my arms wrap around him as I smiled softly though my face was on fire.

"I missed you to.."

We stayed in that position for only the gods know how long before he finally pulled away from my loose grip.
"There's a pretty big party going on outside if you want to go.." He suggested but I shook my head.

"No... I'm beat... I just want to sleep..."
"Well since the party's at your cabin you can stay with me.." He said looking down at the ground.

"I was planning to..." I said with a tired smile and I saw him smile a little to.

In no time flat we were both in the bed in jammies, and he didn't seem to mind when I pulled him close to me as we dozed off.

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