Chapter 13

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~Will's PoV ~

Nico's been sorta weird since we got in that little fight, he won't look me in the anymore, he's barely at the cabin, and he's constantly with Jason or Piper.

I hope he's not actually still mad at me, I mean, we didn't apologize a thousand times to eachother. I sigh as he seemed to avoid me during swords practice.

I haven't really noticed until now but damn Nico had muscle, not like me, I mean, I work out a lot, but he has a pretty good muscular build, I think under the black tank top I got him he may have the start of a 4 pack.

I noticed a lot of people were watching him now, I think they're finally coming around at the fact that Nico is actually a person.

A pretty good looking one to...
Not that I'm jealous..

I watched as an Aphrodite girl came up to him and started twirling her hair and giving him the cheesiest yet most convincing smile.

I crushed my water bottle in my grip biting my lip.

Okay so maybe I was a little jealous.
I walked up to them to see what they were talking about.

"So Nico how old are you~?" She asked and that was easy.

"14." He grunted and the girl pretended to look shocked, "really?! But you're so built..~!" She put her hand on his arm and he shivered and pulled away.

She put of a fake concerned look, gods this girl could be an actor.

"Oh I'm sorry~? Did I do something wrong~?" She asked with false sympathy.

"I-i don't like physical contact..." From anyone cept me.. I wrapped my arm around his shoulder flashing the girl a smug expression because Nico didn't flinch, shudder, or shiver.

He was use to me.

The girl looked at me in disbelief, "Oh don't mind him, he's always clingy." Nico said looking up at me annoyed.

What did I do?

"But I thought you said..." The girl started pointing at me.

"Oh I'm allowed to touch him, I'm his doctor." I say and Nico's face heated up as he shot me a glare.

Seriously what did I do?!

He pulled away and stormed off as some Demeter kids started asking him questions while he was hacking away at a dummy with his black iron sword more fiercely.

~Time Skip to Lunch~

I went to go sit down with Nico at the Hades table but apparently he got invited to sit with the Athena kids even though that's breaking the rules.
Well not like I'm not breaking the rules either.

So I went to sit with my siblings. Today we had a new face, his name was Ajax but he insisted we call him A.J. since he didn't like the fact that his name was Greek.

He was about 12 and a half, you tell his hair had been blonde before he got claimed because it was pretty much bleached white now.

Typical dad.

"Who are you?" He asked me, "He are Cabin counselor, you haven't seen him around because he likes to sleep with his boyfriend." Kayla said and I told her to shut up.

She told me make me.

I told her I'd sing.

She shut up.

"Who's his boyfriend?" The kid asked, of course he'd be naturally curious of everything on the first day in a new cabin.

I poked a hole in my Capri Sun, "First off were not dating, secondly he's just my patient, thirdly he rather spend his time with his little Athena buddies then me..."

I glared over at the cabin 6 table, Nico's back was to me as I slurped my Capri Sun down feeling agitated.
A.J. looked at who I was looking at as one of the Athena boys put his arm on his shoulder but Nico pulled away.

Wait, what am I doing? Nico has the freedom to talk to whoever he wants, I can't start acting like some jealous prick, plus, its good he's making friends instead of being the lone wolf outsider.

I was having an argument with myself and a self scolding when A.J. cut me out of my thoughts.

"So who's his parent?" He asked.
Austin smiled, "Try to guess."
"Uhhh.. I don't know a lot of gods really.. Ares?"

I laughed, "Nico? Ares? Not in a million years! They'd pulverise him!"
A.J. furrowed his eyebrows which you could barely see because of how white they are.

"Gimme a hint!"

"He's one of the big three.." Austin said.

"Big three... Big three.. So either.. Zues, Poseidon, or Hades? Uhhhhh..." He looked back at Nico who turned to shove the boy who had tried to put his arm around him playfully.

Okay, that ticked me off a little, not going to lie.

"Hades...?" He said looking back at us.
"Ding! Ding! Ding!" Austin said with a grin.

"Wow! He must be all sorts of powerful!" A.J. said grinning.

"He is but man, you missed the most powerful demigod of this century last year, Percy Jackson son of Poseidon, let me tell you a thing or two about-" I stopped listening as my sisters and brothers droned on about Percy Jackson.

There's only one sassy black haired boy I'm into at the time and I couldn't really look away.

There's just something about Nico, I don't know if I was feeling something that Rachel had said or what but he meant something to me.

I started to drift off into thought of what this boy actually made me feel, I knew for a fact I liked maybe even possibly love him though I'm no love expert like cabin 10.

I had finished my Capri Sun and began blowing up the pouch cause why not?

I sighed getting frustrated with myself, tonight I had to sleep in my own cabin and I really wasn't in the mood for anyone.
I like the Hades Cabin when I got headaches from all the bustling and yelling from my cabin since we were the second most populated cabin.

When lunch was over I made my way to History Lessons which I thought I would walk together with Nico seeing we have the same schedule, but nope.

He walked with that dam Athena Boy who apparently was in the same class.
Okay its not little anymore.

I'm really fucking jealous.

)Hello my lovies! Just want to ask how are you enjoying the story? How was your day? Night? Anyways, just wanted to give you a heads up that in the next chapter we're getting really close and personal with Will's mortal family. I just think we don't know enough about him, so almost none of the facts I will give you about Will's family are accurate and its totally made up, Uncle Rick didn't prove any of this. So stay tuned!(

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