Chapter 14

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~Will's PoV~

I woke up early the next morning, surprisingly by someone else, from being in the Hades Cabin I had a bad habit of sleeping in because laying in bed with nothing but peace, quiet and Nico was relaxing.

"Will.. Wake got mail.." It was Cecil, ironically the son of the god of messaging was handing me a letter.
I knew the only one who'd be sending me stuff would be my mom.

I saw the exotic stamps and the weird messages and drawing decorating the envelope.

Yup, defiantly my mom.

I sat back on my bed as Cecil left the room and I opened the envelope and began unfolded the letter, it carried a strong scent of horse stables, cheap perfume, and.. BBQ sauce..? I saw a smudged brown stain on the corner and rolled my eyes but smiled.

Only my mom would..

I shook my head and began reading the letter.

Dear Will,
It's your momma obviously, but just wanted to ask you a question and say I missed you, hard to contact you with the no phone policy and I know you don't like to leave the camp, but everyone misses you down in Texas,

My heart panged a little, I left so many people behind in my home town, Huston Texas, but Texas and New York were so far apart that it made travelling to hard.
So I just stayed in New York for the School Year, every now and then I'd got home to visit but only for a few weeks.

Randy's company is booming, we've been getting horses in and out like mad men, hard to catch a break.

My stepdad imported and sold horses across the country, most we're well bred but we also adopted from shelters and nursed them back to health.

Your little brothers are missin you like crazy, Elliot's been hollering for ya for quite a while now, Tyler said his first words a few months back, you'd never guess it but it was sh*t, Randy almost had a heart attack and I just laughed my butt off.

I laughed at this, Elliot was 8 and Tyler's only 7 months old, I also like the fact that she could somehow force her southern accent into the words, I still had a slight accent but its worn off over the years.

Anyways, gettin to the point, I'm doing another nationwide tour, we got people to watch all the horses so we can all go as a family, I want to pick you up as well on the way, we'd be there in a few days tops. I really hope you come, everyone's missing you and loves ya. We'd only take you for a week, is that okay? I'll wait for a letter back before we fly up there.
Ur Mama you absolute pancake

I smiled at my mom's writing and I hoped she never changed it.
But then I frowned, do I really want to be away for a week? So much could happen in that small amount of time as a demigod. Plus I'm supposed to be healing Nico...

I remembered that Nico barely needed me anymore, plus I really do want to see my mortal family, this was a big opportunity for me.

Without another thought I went to send an Iris message to her since it would be more quicker.


We talked a little but she didn't like Iris message that much, said it freaked her out and asked me never to do it again. So I won't, maybe.

But I gave her my answer, I was going, she beamed and told me they'd be there in a few days, so I should get packing.

While I was packing I didn't expect a familiar son of Hades to come in.

"Will..? Aren't you coming to lessons..?"

"Yeah, soon."

I could feel him staring at me as I threw shirts and socks in my suitcase that was opened on my bed.

"Are you going somewhere?"

"Yeah actually, my family is coming to pick me up for a week long road trip across the country..."

I could see he was sensing for sarcasm but I was being dead serious.

"Oh." Was all he said and I sighed cause he still hadn't leaved the cabin.
"Anything else?" I asked looking up at him and I saw that he looked pretty sad.

"Uh, no.. Have a good time with your family I guess.." He said a unmistakable trace of disappointment in his tone as he left.

I was a little speechless, Nico di Angelo showed some emotion.


But I continued to pack as I didn't feel like consulting him right now.

I did feel a little bad because I did make him feel sad. But this was supposed to be a happy time for me.

Why am I so upset...?

Two days later I was ready to leave, some of my siblings had come to see me off, not Nico though.

We had barely talked these past couple of days and it killed me a little that I'm not going to get to say goodbye to him.

I hugged them all as I saw the RV roll up on the side of the road just passed the strawberry fields where the border line was.
Since mortals couldn't cross my mom honked the horn and I said my final goodbyes as I ran to the RV and hopped in.

Just as we were pulling out I saw another kid come running up the hill and I realized it was Nico as we rounded the corner and he stopped realizing I was already gone.

Gods kill me.

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