Chapter 11

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The next night, after the campfire and the boring speech I didn't feel like listening to, the game began, me on red team with Cabins 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 14, 16, and 17.

The blue team consist of Cabins 1, 9, 12, 13 (me), 15 18, 19, 20, so we had a pretty fair game.
)lucky I found that handy Cabin number chart other wise it would've been pretty confusing.(

I ran out to are territory, I was supposed to be a lookout but I had different ideas, also, I refused to wear armor, its to uncomfortable, and its loud, clingy, ad heavy making it hard to sneak up on anyone.

I carried my black sword with me just in case, though I kept it in a small dagger form. It would expand when I needed it.

As I heard some of the Ares and Iris kids charge into the blue teams territory, some of the Iris children punching the blue team's people red or purple, I casually slipped into a shadow going unnoticed.

I somehow managed to shadow travel into Thalia's tree, not having enough power to do it again I had to climb down myself, at least I shadow travelled in enemy territory, though, to far into it.

When I finally managed to get down, (only grunting from effort a few times alright, if you haven't noticed I'm not in the best of shape). I snuck up on their base.

I could hear them talking about their strategy, I kept listening waiting for them to say where the flag was.
Though he was wearing a helmet and it was dark, I could see Will out talking to a Hermes elder.

"So while battle one is going on over here-" he used a stick in the dirt to draw out a map.

"-we'll send the Hephaestus and Hecate kids to start battle two, some of mine and your siblings can sneak past them using the river rout. Then we'll have em!" He said with determination.

"That's good but are you sure it was wise to leave the flag with children of Morpheus?"

)I know the chart says Hypnos but I prefer Morpheus.(

"Sure, the red team would least expect us to leave it with are weakest link, no offence Clovis!" "Non taken..." A sleepy voice somewhere behind them said followed by a snore.

"They'll never find it!" Will said with a smug and determined look.
We'll just see about that.. I smirked and faded back into the shadows.
I made my way stealthily passed everyone, I felt like a ninja, I waited for a few guards to go by, then made my way past.

The only time I flubbed up was when I tripped and fell and one of the guards THOUGHT they heard something.
I finally found an area where kids were binged out, either laying down against a tree or lying on the straight ground.

This is to easy.. I say with a triumphant smile not realizing it was TO easy.

I started searching the campers seeing which one had it. I nudged one over with my foot.

Big mistake.

Suddenly, that camper bolted up, he had me in a headlock and with the slightest time I saw him up I realized his eyes were still closed. His grip was tight but he let out a snore.

He's... Sleep fighting..?!

"Well. Well. Well. Look what the darkness dragged in..." I heard a familiar voice and I saw Will take off his helmet as he approached us.
He had a bow in one hand wearing a arrow sling, his helmet in his other as his hair foofed out.

I remembered my dagger and now would be a good time to use it but first I had to get out of this kids grip.
Will wasn't the same cheerful, bright goody two shoes doctor that would run to give you a mickey mouse band aid if you tripped and got a scratch.

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