Chapter 21

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~Nico's PoV ~

We didn't sleep that much that night.
I remember his warmth, he held me from behind as we laid there in silence.

I could tell he was awake because every now and then he'd let out a sigh or shift around. We were emotionless still bodies with bloodshot eyes.
We cried together for a few hours then since we missed the capture the flag game we just decided to go to bed. Minus the sleep.

In the mourning it was silent as well but after we got changed he wrapped his arm around me and wouldn't let go.

I felt closer to him, emotionally and physically. We were in this together, and we'd work it out together, but also I couldn't imagine sleeping without him by my side now, I might have to sneak in the Apollo cabin at night, though I don't think Chiron or my father would appreciate it that much.

Every now and then he'd plant a kiss to the side of my head or cheek and I gladly appreciated it.

We sat at the Zues table with Jason, Piper, and Reyna, Reyna and Piper looked concerned but didn't say anything as Jason just failed to notice us completely.

Will and I just stayed glued to eachother as he kissed all the way to my lips and oh.. I couldn't help but melt a little as the kiss lasted longer then it should have and when we broke apart the whole room was silent and staring at us.

I flushed and buried my head into his hoodie as I heard him weakly chuckle before everything went back to normal and the talking commenced.

Jason finally noticed us and his face deadpanned when he saw Will kiss me.
Reyna joined him seconds later as they both pulled me away from Will and started patting my head and stuff as they 'tried to protect my innocent flower'.
Piper rolled her eyes but laughed as she told them to let me go and they reluctantly did as Will hugged me tight and protectively to.

"Mine.." He muttered as I buried my face in his hoodie again.

"Watch yourself Solace, that's are little Nico you're putting your only the gods know been where lips on." Jason said as Reyna nodded solemnly.

"What are you his parents?" Piper snorted.

"No Reyna is his aunt, Percy and I are his parents, and Coach is the grumpy grandpa." Jason said casually as Will, Piper, and I gave him a 'dafuk?' Face but he just calmly kept eating his food.

"You have a really weird family." Will muttered.

"Tell me about it, I didn't know my parents were gay." I said back as Jason's head snapped up.

"Excuse me its a no-homo relationship, Percy is my bromeo."

"Okay please stop before I throw up." I said already cringing as I felt nauseous from the word 'bromeo'.

Gods, I hate it.

"Well anyways.." Piper trailed off giving her boyfriend a look that obviously meant he might be in trouble.

"What's on the agenda today?" She asked and almost all of us shrugged, it was one of those free days were you could do whatever you wanted but I really wasn't in the mood.

To tired.

I think Will agreed when he let out a huge yawn and close his eyes for a minute before I had to shake him awake.

"You two look horrible.. What were you doing all night? Wait! I don't want to know that! Unless its good quality and well detailed!" Piper said putting her hands up.

"Whatever.. I wanna sleep.." I groaned, I could tell Will had the same idea in mind but today was one of his days where he couldn't be in the Hades cabin. And honestly.. I needed a break from it too.

"You always want to sleep." Piper said with and I shrugged.
The rest of the meal I talked a little bit, Will very slowly ate all of his food because in between notes he would close his eyes for a while.

When we were finished he got up and I followed after him, he was walking surprisingly fast, well he was alot taller then me.

I sped walked to keep up until he suddenly stopped, let me catch up, and then grabbed my hand into his.
Are fingers intertwined like it was natural and I could help but smile a tiny bit.

When I saw he was heading for the Hades cabin I tugged on his sleeve.
"What?" He asked tiredly.
I just shook my head and he blinked before changing course to the Apollo Cabin.

I was hesitant to go inside, I've never been in here before, but I was kinda excited to.

I could see a bigger glimpse of Will's life. 

He lead me to one of the beds, and then stopped.

"Want to go up?" He asked asked and I looked up to see little makeshift hammocks over their for now closed sky roof.

We eventually got up to one of the lower ones that was Will's. It was only made for one so Will laid down first then pulled me on top of him.

I had to admit I did flush a little from the position, but after snuggling in to him more and feeling him hold around me I felt comfortable, safe, secure.

A lot if things I hadn't felt in a long time.

Sometimes when I'm around Will I just become putty in his hands, I can't help but melt right there on the spot when I see those blue beauties or that amazing annoying smile.

"I should take you back here in the night when the sky roof is open and the stars are all over the sky, its so pretty.." He murmured more like dazed droning at this point as his eyes closed and he yawned.

"Very pretty.." He murmured gazing at me half lidded door a second before passing out.

Nico smiled, blushing a little as he kissed his cheek before closing his eyes as well.

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