Chapter 10

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~Nico's PoV ~

Today was the day Solace will FINALLY let me do some of the more active activities.

I'm not one for exercising much but as a demigod I have ADHD still and most of the time end up getting very bored and wanting some action despite all I've been through.

Will said I needed to start off slowly, like only doing stuff like practicing sword fighting with dummies and pegasai riding.

There is an upcoming capture the flag game that I'm begging Will to let me join, he said he'll think about it but I know how to sucker him into letting me get my way.

Right now I was stuck in nature class which I would've found boring but it was being taught by Grover Underwood. His twin little satyr sons kept interrupting and making us smile with their little games.

I never really thought much of Grover, sure he was the Satyr to basically bring me to Camp Half Blood but I never had a bond with him like Percy and Annabeth had.

He used to be miserable and always tired when Percy and Annabeth fell into to Tarturus, almost like he could feel their pain but he lightened up as soon as they came back.

He was also Pan's chosen one so it seemed natural for him to teach nature class.

He was talking about the origin of nymphs and satyrs when I found myself staring at Will.

We had the exact same schedule because he wanted to keep an eye on me.

He was focused on Grover unlike me.
I've been finding myself staring at him a lot lately, not that I want to its just that he always falls in my line of vision somehow.

When the class is finally over, Grover dismisses everyone but stops me.
"I'm glad you're doing better Nico, I heard you got a first encounter with Pegasus, that must have been an honor, especially for a son of Hades." He said with a smile.

Another thing I like about Grover, he's the only Satyr besides Coach Hedge that won't cower in fear or scream when I'm around them.

"Thanks." I say smiling back slightly then go on my way with Will.

"Wiiiillll pleeeaaassse..."
"I'm just not sure Nico, the Hades cabin isn't on my team and I want to keep an eye on you.."

"Don't worry! Reyna is on my team, she's totally capable of watching me." I say in a matter o fact tone that I seem to have picked up from him.
Right now we were in line to go Pegasai riding and were one of the last.

I wasn't giving up on the capture the flag game, it had been move to tomorrow night and I really wanted to give it ago considering it's at night.

"I don't know.."

I let out an annoyed ug at him.
"You're no fun, don't you ever stop worrying?"

"Alright! Alright! You can go, just be careful.."

Now I feel a little bad, he was looking at me with a worried filled expression frowning.

I sighed as I was called next and made my way up.


Okay, Pegasai, and, well, animals in general do NOT like me.

Flying had been a catastrophe, then archery as well, though I didn't feel to bad because Will sucked to.
After lunch we did sword training, that, I was good with. Will again, not so much.

After that I had a few more lessons and activities, by the end of the day I made my way back to my cabin, flopped on my bed, and groaned feeling exhausted.

I didn't stay for the bonfire, and it was one of those days where Will couldn't be with me.

Though I hate to admit it, I sleep easier when I feel him beside me, I don't know if that its cold and his body let off heat like a furnace or whatever, but it made me feel better.

I struggle to close my eyes not bothering getting changed as I tried to fall asleep.

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