Chapter 7

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~Nico's PoV~

I woke up with Solace splayed out and all over me, his shirt was up sorta showing off his tone and tan abs which gave him the impression of a life guard. I pushed him off me and as a favor pulled his shirt back down.

I pulled myself up and though my legs still felt weak I could very slowly walk which was kinda bad because I really had to go to the bathroom.

When I finally get done Will's up and waiting to go to. "Jeez death boy took you long enough." He said tapping his foot impatiently.

When I got close enough I fell on the mattress on my face and just laid there till Will came out and nudged me with his foot making me I'll over on my back.

"Get ready sunshine you're doing activities today."

"What? But I can barely stand!"

"There's some that don't require that much physical effort, like arts and crafts and music."

"But thats dumb."

"You're dumb."

I stuck my tongue out at him like a child and realized what I was doing.

This is what happens when you're obviously a creature of the night but no, some Sunny boy with his GI Joe Band-Aids and Disney bed sheets comes in forces you to socialize during the day and makes you active.

I give him my glare and he just  smiled and playfully rolled his eyes. No. How dare he. This is the same glare that strikes fear in the hearts of many. And he takes it like a joke.

I cross my arms and get into a position that clearly says I'm not going anywhere.

"Nico di Angelo I will literally drag you out of this bed and outside."

"Try me."

He narrowed his eyes at me and grabbed my feet and started pulling me off the mattress but I still wouldn't give in.

He got me all the way to the door, "Nico I'm being serious right now..." I finally sigh and give in as he let's go of my feet and I went to go get change.

I wore a CHB shirt and my black skinny jeans, no WAY am I going out there in Kakis.


"Alright, I'm going to drop you off at Arts and Crafts and then I have to go talk to Chiron and arrange a few things.. I'll be back before it ends." He promised.

I didn't exactly feel comfortable being alone in a room full of stranger but I didn't really have much of a choice.

When we got there eventually he gave me a stern look. "Now, remember, no raising the dead or any kind of spooky magic, you hear me? Also behave."
I felt like a little kid who's mom was telling him how to act for the first day of school.

I tsked and swatted away his hand. "Yeah yeah yeah I get it..." I saying plopping down at one of the tables as other kids started to arrive.

"Alright... I'll be back soon by the end...!" He said as he ran off.

The Satyr teaching us caught a whiff of my deathly scent and shuddered as other people moved as far as they could from me.

This is going to be fun.



Well turns out I'm not good at Weaving, also the goat teacher fainted when I tapped his shoulder asking him to repeat the pattern again cause I couldn't hear.

When Will finally came back I was never so relieved to see someone. He looked over my shoulders as the other kids were fanning the satyr.
He raised his eyebrow at me.

"Don't ask..."

He didn't.

Instead grabbed my hand and started dragging me to the strawberry field. We stopped close to the woods. "I got you something..." He said digging through his pocket.

When he finally pulled something out it turn out to be 3 beads on a piece of thick string.
I took a closer look and realized I the middle one, a black one, had the Hades symbol.

I looked at him confused.

He pulled out his own necklace similar to mine except his had about 5 on it and his center one was yellow with an orange sun.

"Its a Camp Half-Blood necklace..." He said smiling as he handed me mine. "Every summer means another bead that symbolises something big that happened.." He said as I studied my beads.

The one before the Hades one was a gold bead with a tiny imprinted blue hair brush on it.
"I realized it meant The Battle of Manhattan when Kronos was trying to take over.

That feel like ages ago.

The other was purple with the Roman symbol on it which meant the defeat of Gaea and the celebration of making new colleagues.

"I tried using the ones I remember you being at the camp for... Sorry if I missed one or two..." He said rubbing the back of his neck.

"No... Its great..." I say and I can't help but smile a little. He helps tie it in the back, tight enough for where it can't come off, but loose enough for where I can take it off to add next summer's bead.

Next summer...

I don't even know if I'm staying long enough for next summer. A lot of crap could happen in between and I might not be living here anymore.
I'd probably go back to a free roamer doing as I please.

But also I have a feeling I'm going to be here for a while, this place isn't bad, all it really is, is a sanctuary for demigods.

Will finally brought me back to my senses. "Well, cmon Sunshine we have poetry next..!" And he started to pull me a long again and this time I actually felt happy to go sorta.

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