Chapter 15

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~Nico's PoV ~

Was I upset that Will left without saying goodbye?

Not at all.

Okay maybe a little.

Alright I wanted to strangle him into a hug but that would have to wait.
I had made pretty good friends with the son of Athena, Malcolm. He was pretty nice.

Though I don't like him like that, he seems to have an interest in Mitchell, the son of Aphrodite, who was also pretty nice and handsome but honestly no one can beat Will in my opinion.

Its my fault sorta, I kinda pushed Will away without meaning to.. I was making new friends and just sorta, forgot.

Though Will is hard to forget, he's so stubborn and brave sometimes and gods I just want to punch him right in his stupid handsome face.

I was eating at the dining Pavilion with Malcolm as he was coming up with a strategy for the next Capture The Flag game with Piper and the head of the cabins on are team.

Mitchell was one of them and I could tell how badly and awkwardly he was trying not to freak out as I sipped on my drink causing a slurping noise cause this was boring and I wanted to sleep.

Apollo's cabin and I were on the same team but Will wouldn't be here this time which bummed me out a little.
"And Nico we're going to need you to be placed with Mitchell..." The sound of my name brought me back to real life.

"Huh?" I asked not paying attention in the slightest.

Piper sighed and said it again.
"You and Mitchell will be placed at the front as guards."

"I don't want to be a boring guard! Make Malcolm do it!" I said in a whiny voice that won out cause Piper replaced Me with Malcolm, whom by the way looked like he was going to have a seizure.

I smirked as I slurped away my Soda.

I sighed sitting alone on my bed in the Hades Cabin.

How long did he say he was going to be on tour?

A week.

Gods dammit.

I wanted him back now.

I know I was being selfish.
I really had no right to say it but gods I actually liked it when he was by my side in bed, it made me more comfortable knowing someone was there with me.

The days I have to sleep alone without him were the ones I had the most trouble sleeping on, the nightmares would always come back and I hated them especially knowing that when I wake up I'm still surrounded by darkness.

But somehow Will made sleeping bearable, if I woke up from a nightmare all I had to do was see his chest rising and falling or hear his snores and it made me feel secure and safe.

This is going to be a long week...

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