Mr. Popularity & the Nerd (2)

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Mr. Popularity & the Nerd (2)

Paris's POV

"What are you doing here?" I questioned.

"Is Jason here? And do I know you?"


"Some dude? I'm not some dude, you nerd."

I got really pissed off when he called me a nerd. It may be okay for others to call me a nerd but coming from him made me want to punch him. Instead, I decided to be the nice person and let it go. Stupid me. Why the fuck am I being so nice to this douche? When I was about to say something, I saw Walter walking up the stairs to my house.

"Hey I brought nachos!" He smiled and then frowned when Timothy turned around.

"JASON! HURRY UP AND ACCOMPANY YOUR FRIEND." I screamed across the house again.


"Walter just go to my room first. Victoria's already there and I'm starving."

He walked past me and Timothy and up the stairs to my room. When Walter was out of sight, Jason finally came to the door.

"Yo Timothy what's up bro?" He did the handshake with Timothy.

Timothy's POV

"I got nothing to do so i figured why not chill with my man?" I smiled. 

"Yeah... do whatever you guys are going to do. I don't want to know about it because whatever you guys do, I will not be held responsible for it. Bye!" the nerdy looking girl sped off.

"Dude, why didn't you tell me your sister's a nerd?"

"That's cause she isn't. She's just the type of girl that likes getting good grades. She doesn't read or study unless she really needs to. And that, whatever she was wearing, she only wears that when she's at home. When she's out in public, she dresses 100 times better. Trust me. And why do you care if she's a nerd or not?"

"Nothing man. I was just asking. Can I come in or are you going to make me stand here forever?"

"Yeah sure man come in."

He moved aside to let me in. I walked in his house and started to notice how big it was. On the outside, it looked as big as any other house but on the inside, it looked huge. Even my house wasn't that huge. My house was a bit smaller. "Cool house bro." I kept walking until I found his living room. When I found it, I plotted myself on the couch.

"Yeah thanks man. How did you know where I live anyway? I never told you."

"Oh yeah Jack told me you lived across from him. I know where he lives so here I am." I shrugged. 

Paris's POV

"Paris what's Timothy doing here?" Walter asked me as I entered my room. I grabbed some nachos and ate it.

"Wait what? Timothy's here? What's he doing here?" Victoria asked me while eyeing me suspiciously.

"I DIDN'T INVITE HIM OVER! I don't even know how he knows where I live. Also he's not here for me. He doesn't even know me dressed in this or my outfit to school! he came to hang with my brother or something I'm guessing. I don't know, I don't care and I don't want to know." I tried to make things as clear as possible and they just shrugged their shoulders. I grabbed some more nachos and shoved them in my mouth. They're so good. So you guys wanna watch something or play a board game?"

"We're not little kids you know. We're in high school. We don't play board games anymore." Victoria stated.

"Who cares what Victoria says? Lets play Monopoly. She just doesn't want to play because she's scared I WILL BEAT HER." Walter smirked.

"Oh hell no. I'm gonna get the board game. Paris can you get some popcorn? Walter, get off your lazy ass and go help her."

"Bossy bitch." Walter mumbled as we walked out of the room. Thankfully Victoria didn't hear or else she would have went crazy. We walked down the stairs, past the living room and into the kitchen to see Timothy grabbing a beer from our fridge. Walter grabbed the popcorn pack and put it in the microwave while I walked over to Timothy to get our drinks. He was in my way so I tried to excuse myself.

"Excuse me. Can you move out of the way?" I asked trying not to sound rude but I was anyway.

"Oh you're excused." He replied trying to sound smart.

"No. Get out of my way. I don't have time for your bullshit." When I said that, he moved to the side. "Thank you." I grabbed 3 canned coke and left. On my way out, I heard him say "Sassy" but I ignored it. I walked back in my room and saw Walter and Victoria setting up the game. "Wow Walt, how did you get here so fast?"

"Oh I just got here. Popcorn?" I took a handful and threw them in my mouth.

"Yo Paris catch!" He threw a popcorn in the air and I caught it with my mouth.

"Good catch!"

"Thanks." I grabbed a piece of popcorn and threw it in the air for Walter to catch but he missed.

"Oooooo. So close."

"Okay the games ready. Lets play Monopoly!"

Timothy's POV

"I'm gonna go now. Can I come back tomorrow? Lets go somewhere with your sister and her friends. I don't know why but I have this feeling that she hates me and I don't even know what I ever did to her."

"Yeah sure man. See you tomorrow."

We did a bro handshake and I left. On my walk home, I got a call from my dad but I ignored it. I didn't want to deal with his bullshit now. After about a 20 minute walk, I finally got home. I saw the lights turned on in the living room so I decided to walk to the back of the house and climb up to my room. I climbed the pipe that was on the corner of the house until I reached my bedroom window. Lucky for me, I always left it unlocked. I slid open my window and climbed in making a soft landing. When I got in, I shut the window and threw myself on my bed and fell asleep.

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