Mr. Popularity & the Nerd (23)

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Mr. Popularity & theNerd (23)

Since we went on that date at the carnival, we've went on a lot more dates. He may seem so bad and stuff but underneath that whole show he puts on, he's a caring guy. I got to know him a little bit better.

I tapped my pen against the desk again and again. This class was so boring. I turned to look at the class and saw there was five minutes left of class. Yes!

"Paris! Hey, Paris!" An unfamiliar voice called out. I turned towards the direction the voice came from.

"Hey." I greeted smiling a little bit.

I had no idea who that person was. The bell finally rang and I grabbed my books, ready to leave the class.

"Wait up for me Paris!" The voice called out again.

I walked out of the class and the guy walked along side me. Without saying a word, he continued to walk with me like a lost puppy.

"Not to be rude or anything but can I help you?" I said, pulling to a halt in front of my locker. I opened my locker and switched books as he spoke.

"Well, my name is Jesse. I was wondering if you could help me with something." Seriously? Was this guy deaf or something? Did I not just ask what I could help him with?

"Elaborate." I shut my locker and leaned against it.

"Meet my by that big oak after school and I'll tell you then. It was nice meeting you Paris." He waved and headed off. Way to leave a girl hanging.

"Hey babe, who was that?" A voice spoke behind me.

"Don't call me your babe. I'm not your babe." I rolled my eyes at the voice.

"What? I thought after that little heart to heart we had we're back to one." He wiped a fake tear away and threw an arm around me.

"Uh nope. I'm just that nice. I could have a heart to heart with just about anyone." I spoke slipping away from his arm.

"Yeah, okay. Anyway, about that night, don't you dare say a word to anyone about it."

Oops, too late.

"Okay, fine. Not a word to anyone." I put my hands up like I was surrendering.


I walked out of the school and waited for Jesse under the big oak tree. At first, I decided to not wait for him because he's a stranger but then I realized he'd probably bug me about it tomorrow so I made a choice to wait.

After waiting for about 3 minutes and thinking he wasn't going to show, I decided to leave. Right that moment, he walked out the main entrance.

"Wait, Paris!" I rolled my eyes and turned back around smiling.

"Hey. Now are you going to tell me?" I sighed.

"So you know how you're kinda popular now?" I'm popular?

"No, I don't know and I don't want to be."

"Well sucks because you are."

"What's it to you?"

"I wanna be popular too."

"And I don't care." I rolled my eyes and stated walking away when he grabbed my arm causing me to stop.

"You're going to help me become popular." I yanked my arm out of his grasp and must I say, it hurt. I turned back around and walked in to him till our faces were inches apart.

"Don't you dare fucking tell me what to do, let alone boss me around. You want to be popular, do it yourself. You make me sick."

Huh, I guess Timothy's lesson worked after all. I walked away towards the parking lot since cutting through the parking lot was a lot faster than walking all around the school. It was empty except for a few cars and a boy and girl. Wait, lemme rephrase that. It was empty except my boyfriend and a slut's tongue down his throat. I knew it was Timothy because they were leaning against his car. Guess Timothy is getting girls after all. Since he was having a little fun of his own, I decided to have my fun.

As I neared them, I gasped really loudly causing them to jump away from each other.

"Timothy? Are you-are you seriously kidding me right now?"

He opened his mouth to say something but the tongue girl cut him off.

"Oh please, you really thought Timothy loved you or shit? If you know him like I do, you would know he's not that type of guy." She showed me her fake bitchy smile.

"We're over!" I looked at the ground and found a bottle cap so I picked it up and threw it at them. Without looking back, I ran off faking tears.

Damn that was fun. When I was a block away from the school towards my house, I started walking. There's something I have to say though. When I saw them before back in the parking lot, a part of my chest hurt. The part where my heart is. The only other time I've felt this pain was way back with Austin. My first love. Thinking about this, a tear fell down my cheek without me noticing. I quickly wiped it away and walked all the way home.

When I got home, I called Victoria to come over right away. I needed to explain everything to her so she could tell me I don't like Timothy. I mean, yeah, he's hot but I can't be falling for Mr. Popular can I? It can't be possible.


"You're totally falling for him oh my god! That's so cute!" Victoria gushed out.

"No I'm not!"

"Think about it. He asked you out, you agreed. You've been on dates and it's possible you could love him. The question is, does he love you."

I was about to answer when I was cut off by the doorbell and my brother yelling for me to get it. I ran downstairs and opened the door. Standing across from me, was the one and only Timothy. He was here for a reason and I knew that reason.

"Can I help you?" I asked leaning against the side of the door.

"What was that?"

"What was what?"

"The stunt you pulled at the parking lot."

I thought about what he said for a second. "No, nope. I have no clue what you're saying. Mind elaborating?"

So he told me. "Oh! That stunt. Yeah, I was just having some fun."

"You know, if I didn't know any better, I'd say you were jealous."

The feeling came back. My stomach churned and my heart beated faster than it has ever beated before.

"Y-yeah right."

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