Mr. Popularity & the Nerd (24)

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Mr. Popularity & the Nerd (24)

A few weeks passed since that day. I've been avoiding Timothy kind of because I didn't want to have feelings for him. I couldn't have feelings for him. If I admit I have feelings for him, it wouldn't end well. I thouht my feelings for him would go away but it seemed to grow. How was this possible? He's not my type anymore. He's like Austin and after my experience with Austin, I decided I couldn't and I wouldn't date people like him.

Victoria's POV

I'm so confused with Paris and Timothy. They're dating, which is a shock considering Timothy never dates girls, but why is Paris so scared of loving him? Isn't she with him because she likes him and then it turns to love? She's been avoiding him since the day Timothy showed up at her house. Reason being? I still have no idea. She told me it was nothing but obviously it was something.

When class ended I went to look for Timothy. I needed answers. I don't know why they make it so complicated.

"Timothy, I need to talk to you." I said when I found him with his friends near his locker.

"Cute ass girl. I'd tap that any day." One of his friends said while winking. He got a high five from another guy standing next to him.

"Small dick boy. Would I need a magnifying glass to find it?" I smirked and he shut up.

"Leave her alone." Timothy glared at them and took my arm and walked away.

"What's up?"

Here goes nothing.. "Do you like Paris?"


"What? What do you mean no? You guys dated for like 2 months. What do you mean no?"

He sighed and responded, "Not that it's any of your business but a few months ago, Paris and I made a deal and if she lost, she'd have to be my girlfriend. As you cam see, she did lose. At first, it was just a harmless deal but then when I kept going on these dates with her, I realized how amazing she is. I started to fall for her and now I-I think I love her." He said the last part really quietly but I caught his words.

"YOU LOVE HER?" I screamed out and he quickly placed his palm over my mouth.

"Shhhhhh." He shushed me with a glare. I nodded and he removed his hand from my mouth.

"You love her?" I repeated.

"Y-yeah I guess I do."

"Are you going to tell her?"

"Uh no? And you aren't going to either you understand?"

"No, I don't understand. I really don't." I crossed my arms over my chest now getting annoyed.

"I'm a bad boy. Bad boys don't love. If you tell her I love her I'm probably gotta end up not loving her the second later and its gonna break her heart."

"You're gonna stop loving her like this?" I snapped my fingers quickly.


"No, I won't. I want to, but I can't. I've been on so many dates in my life and I have never felt the way I feel about her with anyone. When I'm with her, she makes me feel alive. With my dad's annoying ass self down my back, I need a girl like her in my life but my problem is, I can't have her. She's a good girl and I can't have her caught up in all the shit in my life. I just can't."

"What if Paris wants to get caught up in this thing you have going on? Its not your choice to choose for her."

"Get caught up in what?" A voice in front of us asked. We turned to look towards the voice and saw Paris standing there.

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