Mr. Popularity & the Nerd (6)

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Mr. Popularity & the Nerd (6)

Paris's POV

"W-what are you doing here?"

"Look Paris I came here to warn you about something."

"About what?"

"We may not be friends anymore but I still will try to protect you from Ashley and her group."


"I know. I know I am. I just came here to warn you that Ashley is coming to your house and she might cause trouble. Just be careful with what you say. I gotta go." With that, she took off.

When she Jessica left, I cringed my face. Jessica was my best friend but once we got to high school, she started to treat me like crap so she could be popular and join Ashley and her group. Now Jessica is a cheerleader and the second most powerful in their group. I wasn't scared of Jessica because I knew every little thing about her. When I was about to close the door, I heard some get out of their car and shouted for me to stop. I took a look around and saw Ashley coming towards me with a pissed ass face. Oh god...

"Hey. Are you that bitch hanging out with Timothy?" She asked me while walking closer to my house.

"Yes?" I answered more of a question rather than a statement. In all honestly, I regretted saying that because of what happened next. She walked up to me and smacked me across the face and then grabbed a strand of my hair pulling my face closer to her.

"Stay. Away. From. Him. Bitch. I promise you if you go near him again, I will make your life a living hell. Don't fucking fuck with me, got it?"

I tried my best not to cry. Not because she hurt me but because I was a little scared. She never breaks her promises. 

"Y-yes." She let go of my hair and walked away. I quickly shut the door, ran to my room and started to cry on my bed. I knew this was going to happen.




Well, right now I'm in Health and I'm really bored. The first day back to school from a long break is really boring. Anyway for the rest of the break I've ignored Timothy. Every time he came over, he'd be with Jason and I would lock myself in my room until he leaves. I was stills cared from that threat. He tried calling me many times but I didn't answer. I also told Walter and Victoria what happened and basically gave them a lecture. They promised me they would watch my back but I doubt it. They wouldn't do anything.


I packed up my stuff and left towards my locker to see Timothy standing in front of it. He was scrolling through his phone so I took that chance to turn around and walk away before he could notice me.

"Wait! Paris!" No please don't come near me.

I continued to walk away but this time faster. I felt someone tap my shoulder. I stopped and turned around hoping to see some one other than him. But nope, it was him.

I continued facing him. Well, my body was. I was looking down on the floor because I was scared to face him.

"Did I do something wrong? Why are you ignoring me? Not that I care anyway but why?"

I just shook my head.

"What's that suppose to mean?" I shrugged my shoulders.

"Do you not have a mouth or something?" This time, I didn't answer him. I just continued looking at the floor.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" He kept asking me. This time he was feeling annoyed. I looked up and before I could answer him, I saw Ashley and her 'posse' watching us in the back.

"I.. I...I um... I gotta go. I'll talk to you later. Sorry." I ran away from him before he could respond. What did I get myself into?

I walked into my next class and saw I was the only one there. I sighed and took a seat in the middle of the classroom. In high school, there were ways to sit in a classroom. Only cool people sat in the back, people that were making out or were in relationships sitting in the sides, people that have no care about what's happening around them in the front and the middle. Of course, that's why I sat in the middle. I didn't care about anything happening around me. A few minutes later, everyone started to settle in the classroom and when everyone was settled, or some of us, the teacher walked in.

"Alright class welcome back from the break. Please take out your homework and pass it up."

I rummaged through my bag and my books but I couldn't find my homework. Oh shoot. It's still in my locker... 

"Uhm.. Mrs. Bagelman?" I raised my hand.


"May I excuse myself for a moment? I forgot my homework in my locker."

"Yes you may and hurry back. You're having a pop quiz."

I nodded my head and walked off. I walked towards my locker and saw Timothy standing 10 lockers away making out with Ashley. Ew gosh. I ignored them and opened my locker. I retrieved my books and my homework and slammed my locker shut. I jumped a little when the sound echoed through the hallway. I turned around and saw Timothy standing in front of me. I walked to the side, he blocked me. I walked to the other side, and he blocked me again.

"Excuse me." I said quietly.

"Talk to me. What happened?"

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"I'm talking about why you're ignoring me. I apologized for hitting your head with a door didn't I?"

At this point, I couldn't take it anymore so I bursted.

"Fine. You wanna talk, lets talk. Lets talk about the fact that your girlfriend is threatening me because she thinks you and I did something or will do something. Lets talk about how your girlfriend slapped me because she's fucking crazy!" 

I walked off leaving him there. I didn't care anymore. All I wanted was to get good grades so I could get into a good college and get a good job but no. I got stuck in drama. Shitty drama. 

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