Mr. Popularity & the Nerd (16)

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Mr. Popularity & the Nerd (16)

When we reached our destination I saw we were at a very nice and peaceful place. Timothy took the keys out of ignition and left the car. I too opened the door and left the car. He walked to the front of his car and leaned on its hood. 

"Where is this place?" I asked while walking towards the front of his car.

"It's what I like to call my secret place." He turned and smiled at me.

"It's nice isn't it?" He asked and I nodded.

"When I need to be somewhere peaceful to do some thinking, I usually drive up here at night and just lay down on the floor to stare at the sky. It's a beautiful view."

"Wow. Who would have thought the school's most popular guy would be here, in his secret place with a nerd who might just tear down his bad boy cred little by little." I joked.

"You're gonna tear down my bad boy cred?" He faked a hurt expression and I laughed.

"It is actually pretty nice up here. Who knows, maybe I'll come here myself sometime." I smirked.

"Nice try but you'll have to know how to drive to get up here."

"Oh I know how to drive. I just don't have a car. Jason doesn't want me driving myself."

"Oh so that means you'll be driving us to the diner right now?" He made his way to the passenger's seat.

'What diner? I want to stay here longer. I mean you did bring me out here and I don't have a car so this might be my only chance out here." 

"I'll bring you here some other time. Right now I want food." He opened the passenger's door, got in, and closed it.

I shook my head and made my way to the driver's seat. He handed me his keys and I put it in ignition, starting the car up. Before I drove off, I asked him a question that has been haunting me for days.

"Why are you being so nice to me?" 

"What do you mean?"

"I mean why are you helping me. You know.."

"Because you're my friend's sister."

"Is that the only reason?" I raised an eyebrow at him to make sure.

"Yeah.. that's it." He said slowly. I nodded and drove off to a diner.




"Thanks for the food." I smiled at Timothy.

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