Mr. Popularity & the Nerd (9)

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Mr. Popularity & the Nerd (9)

Paris's POV

The bell rang and me, Victoria, and Walter walked to class. We all had English Lit. together. I took a seat in the front but Walter pulled me to the back of the classroom. I groaned and sat down in the corner seat with Walter in front of me and Victoria next to me. I opened my textbook that I retrieved from my locker and saw a paper sticking out.

Party. Friday night, my house. I'll text you the deets Paris.

Since when did I get invited to a party? I looked at the bottom of the paper and saw it was signed by Nicholas Underwood, Nick, for short. He was one of the most popular kid in our school and he's inviting me to his party this Friday?

"Hey what is that?" Walter asked me while glancing over.

"Oh it's nothing just some stupid party invitation." Victoria sat up straight right after I said that. She and Walter grabbed the paper out of my hand and read it. They grabbed it so fast that it left me a papercut. 

"Ugh seriously guys?" I got up and started walking towards the nurses office since our teacher wasn't here today, and that meant we had a substitute. I walked in the nurses office and asked for a bad-aid. She gave me one, I signed a paper, and left. I opened the band-aid and wrapped it around my finger slowly. Of course, I was looking down so I couldn't see anyone in front of me which obviously, I crashed into someone. 

"Oh I'm so sorry." I looked up to see who I crashed into. It was.......... Nick.

"It's okay. Is your finger alright?" He smiled and pointed at my injured finger.

"Uh yeah it's alright. I got to get to class. Bye." I walked away from him hoping he wouldn't ask about the party but unfortunately, he did. This is just not my lucky day.

"Wait! Are you coming to my party this Friday?" He called after me.

I stopped and turned around to look at him.

"I don't know, maybe." I shrugged.

"Well if you are coming, hopefully you are, you can bring a few friends." He smiled again and walked away. I turned back around and headed back to class.




It was finally time for lunch and I was STARVING. I grabbed my lunch and sat down next to Victoria and Walter at a table. 

"Come on Paris pleaseeeeee. Go to the party. He said you could bring friends!!! Take me!! I've always wanted to go to a party!" Victoria pleaded.

"Hey! I'm her friend too! She should bring me too!" Walter whined like a little kid.

"It's not I don't want to bring you guys. I just don't want to go. I've never been to a party before but I can already imagine what it's gonna be like."

"Oh yeah, what's it gonna be like?" Victoria said getting all up in my face.

"Well for starters, we all know there's gonna be sex, drinking, and smoking." I started.

"I'm there for the sex. I'm trying to hook up with at least 4 girls at the party." Walter said while taking a bite into his sandwich.

"No one cares what you'll do there, but Paris go on." She turned back to look at me.

I took a deep breath before I continued. "And I know nothing good ever comes out of a party. People get drunk and do stupid things they can't take back. I don't want to go."

"Pleaseeeeee Paris when Vicky and I tell you to do something, when were we ever wrong?"

"You were wrong all the time?" I said in a question rather than a statement. They both stared at me cluelessly so I decided to give examples.

"There's that time when you guys were like 'come on! Lets climb the high rock and jump off it into the river' and I almost cracked my head, there's another time with Ashley, there's another time th-"

"Okay. We get the point. Nothing good ever comes out of any idea we offer." Walter cuts me off.

"But we just really want to go to this party. Come on! We're juniors and we've never been to one party. If you've been invited, take the chance and go!" Victoria said.

I got tired of their nagging so I gave in.

"Fine!!! We'll go but we cannot tell Jason about this. He will kick my ass.I'll go over to your house after school so we can get ready and Walter can pick us up after."

"But-" Victoria began.

"Take it or leave it."

"We'll take it." Victoria and Walter said simultaneously. I faked a smile and ate my lunch.

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