Mr. Popularity & the Nerd (5)

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Mr. Popularity & the Nerd (5)

Timothy's POV

I finally got home and was prepared to fight with my dad. Yes, we fight everyday. He gets on my nerves every time I hear his voice or see his face. Ugh! He pisses me off so much. I walked in the house and found my dad smoking my pack of cigarette. Anger started to boil up inside me. I walked over to him pulled the cigarette out of his lips and threw it in the sink. Then I turned on cold water to put the lite part of the cigarette.

 "Fuck you touching my cigarettes for? Get your own damn money and buy yourself some."

 "This is my house, my rules. I get to do WHATEVER the fuck I want okay? I don't fucking listen to amateurs."

 "Amateur? I'm an amateur?" I chuckled. "I don't need you telling me what I am or am not. JUST FUCKING GO TO HELL!" With that said, I ran up to my room, grabbed a few things to put in an overnight bag and left.

I started to walk back to Jason's house to continue chilling out with them. I felt bad ditching them right before we got to start hanging out.

I walked and walked and walked and I finally reached his house. I rang on the bell and waited for an answer but there was none so I rang it again. Again, there was no answer. When I was about to ring it a third time, his sister opened the door. She looked like she just woke up from a nap.

 "What?" She asked me in an annoying tone that bothered me. I didn't want to pick a fight with her because I know it's gonna be useless. Instead, I walked right past her into her house.

 "May I help you with something?" She asked me in the same tone. Again, I ignored it.

 "Is Jason home?"

 "No. When you decided to ditch us when the day barely started, he went to visit his girlfriend and my friends went home. Now I'm trying to get some sleep but I can't." She glared at me.

 "Well I'll just stay here until he comes back then." I took a seat on their couch and put my duffle bag next to me. I took the remote and opened their tv.

 "You know, you can watch with me instead of standing there." I saw her glare at me for a few seconds and then decided to take a seat beside me on the couch.

Paris's POV

Dammit! I was sleeping perfectly until he decided to wake me up! Why can't he just leave us alone? I glared at him for a few minutes and then decided to watch tv with him since I couldn't fall back asleep and there was nothing else to do. He started scrolling through Netflix.

 "OH! OH! OH! WHITE CHICKS! WATCH THAT! IT'S MY FAVORITE MOVIE!" I started to scream out when I saw White Chicks on the screen. He looked at me with a weird face so I covered my mouth really quickly.

 "Ha.. uhm... I meant... let's watch White Chicks. It's a really good movie." I corrected myself. He laughed and I just smiled covering my embarrassment. He clicked on the movie and played it. A few minutes into the movie, I heard a phone vibration. I checked my phone to see if it was mine but it wasn't so I looked over and Timothy to see him texting someone. I shrugged my shoulders and continued to watch the movie. 

 When the movie finished, I looked over at Timothy to see if he enjoyed the movie but instead, I found him asleep. I decided to leave him there to sleep being the nice person I am. I took a small blanket and put it over him. Then his phone started to vibrate again next to him. I looked over and read the text.


Hottie wanna come over to my place and cuddle? I'm lonely right now..

I crinkled my face. If his girlfriend wanted him over, why didn't he go? I barely know this guy and he chooses to watch White Chicks with me instead of cuddling with his girlfriend? I continued to read the texts.


Hottie wanna come over to my place and cuddle? I'm lonely right now..


Baby I would love to right now but I'm busy. Sorry but I'll call you later.

I read the time he wrote that. It was around the same time we were watching White Chicks. I saw Timothy move a little so I locked his phone and ran upstairs to my room.

Ashley's POV

I was really bored at home because everyone left. I decided to text Timothy to come over so we could cuddle. I took out my phone to start texting him.


Hottie wanna come over to my place and cuddle? I'm lonely right now..

I put my phone down waiting for his reply as I turned on the tv. Soon after, he replied.


Baby I would love to right now but I'm busy. Sorry but I'll call you later.

Busy? Is he fucking kidding me right now? He's never busy. He may be popular and shit but he's never busy! We've had an on and off relationship for the past two months and not once have I heard him say "I'm busy". Something's going on and I'm going to figure it out. I turned my phone on and scrolled through my contacts. I finally stopped at the person I wanted to call and called him.

A= Ashley                                                       ?= Unknown

?= Hello?

A= I need you to turn on the tracker I told you to put in Timothy's phone and track him down. Tell         me where he is.

?= Why are you tracking him? What is wrong with you? Are you crazy? 

A= He's lying to me and I know it. 

?= What is wrong with you? Are you crazy?

A= There is nothing fucking wrong with me!

?= Are you crazy?

A= No I am not fucking crazy you pathetic bitch! Just track him for me and then let me know his         location. No questions asked. Bye.

How dare this fucking bitch call me crazy? I picked up the tv remote and started flipping through the channels. There was nothing to watch so I turned the tv off, grabbed my phone, and went to my room. I was gonna turn my laptop on and video chat a friend when my phone started to vibrate because I got a text. 

He's at 1313 Maple Ave. Don't do anything stupid take your pills before you go.

I grabbed my stuff and left the house. I got in my car and drove to 1313 Maple Ave.

Paris's POV

I heard a door shut downstairs. I left my room and went downstairs to not see Timothy anywhere. I shrugged my shoulders because he probably left already. I turned my heel taking a step up the stairs when I heard the doorbell ring. Did he forget something? I walked to the door and opened it to see a girl from my school standing in the doorway. I gasped when I knew who it was. Oh I am in so much trouble.

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