Mr. Popularity & the Nerd (10)

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Mr. Popularity & the Nerd (10)

Paris's POV

Please say they forgot about the party. Please say they forgot about the party. I quietly prayed. We were in our last class, English Lit., and were waiting for the bell to ring. 20 seconds left, 20, 19, 18, 17, 16.. tap tap. I turned around in my seat when I felt someone poke me. Walter handed me a folded up paper. I took it and opened it under my books.

Don't forget about the party tonight. I'm picking you and Victoria up at 7 so be ready by then.

I groaned loudly. Dammit they remembered.

"Paris, is there something you would like to tell the class?" The teacher spoke next to me. I turned to face her.

"Oh uhm-" I was cut off by the bell. Ever heard of the expression 'saved by the bell?' Well, I never thought I would say it but what the heck. Saved by the bell! I packed my books together and scurried out of the classroom with Walter and Victoria.

"Alright I'll see you guys later. Imma let you ladies get ready because I know it'll take a long time." Walter said before he walked away.

"Ladies?" Victoria and I said simultaneously. We laughed and walked out of the school. Also, yes Walter was going to drive us to the party. He turned 18 four months ago and he got his drivers license about two months later. Victoria and I were still 17. I'm turning 18 in about five months and Victoria's turning 18 in three months. Today has been a good day so far because not once have I seen Timothy. We walked over to my house to let me put down my books and talk to Jason. He texted me a few periods ago telling me he needed to talk to me. Apparently it was something he couldn't say 'over the phone'. Hopefully it was about the party. I still don't want to go. We entered my house and saw my brother making out with his girlfriend on the couch.

"Hey! Keep it PG guys!" Victoria shrieked. I laughed and sat on a bean bag next to our living room table.

"What did you want to talk to me about that you couldn't say ovedr the phone?"

"Babe could you and Victoria give us some privacy please? I need to talk to my sister about something important." He told his girlfriend. She shrugged and walked into the kitchen will Victoria following behind.

"Am I in trouble?" I asked him. Usually when I have a private chat with my brother, it's when I'm in trouble.

He sighed before speaking. "Are you sleeping with Timothy?"

My eyes widened and I got up from my bean bag. "WHAT? NO!!"

"Are you sleeping with anyone?"


"So you're still a virgin." He said more of a statement than a question.


"Promise me you won't have sex with Timothy?"

"YES!! I PROMISE!" I was still surprised he accused me of sleeping with Timothy.

"Is that all?"

"Yup that's all." He started walking towards the kitchen but stopped when he got to the door.

"Wait what time are you coming home from Victoria's?"

"I'm sleeping over tonight. Mom said it was ok." He nodded and disappeared. I left my books on the table. I saw Victoria leaving the kitchen so I walked to the door and left my house.




"PARIS I FOUND IT!!" Victoria was rummaging through her closet trying to find the perfect dress for me to wear to the dance. Honestly, I didn't care what I was gonna be wearing. I am not gonna be losing my virginity at my FIRST party. She dug out a black strappless dress. It was gorgeous. I put the dress on and looked at myself in the mirror.

"AHH!! IT'S SO PERFECT ON YOU PARIS!!" The dress was tight and it shaped my curves. Perfect. The dress was also short. It reached down to my mid-thigh. Victoria went to her shoe closet(yes, she was that rich) and pulled out a pair of high shiny black pumps. I put them on and it fit my perfectly. This was the upside to having a best friend that fit all your clothes and shoes. While I went to put on my make up(mascara, and eyeliner), Victoria was getting ready. When I was done, I put my hair down and curled the ends. After I was satisfied with my look, I turned around away from Victoria's dresser mirror to see her in a strapless blue dress with blue pumps, kinda like me. I got up from the chair to let Victoria do her make up and hair while I took my phone out of my bag to check the time. It was 6:45PM. We got done just in time. Just as I was about to put my phone away, my phone started vibrating. I looked at the caller ID and saw Timothy. Don't ask how we have each others number. Hesitantly, I picked up. 

"Can I help you?" I started the conversation saying.

"Yes, as a matter of fact you can. Would you open the door? I ran your house bell a few times and no ones answering the door. Yet I see the lights on in your house."

"I'm not home right now. Jason is with his girlfriend."

"Well are you going home?"

"Yeah I am. Tomorrow. Why are you over at my house anyway?"

"I was gonna ask your brother if he was going to bring me to the par- Nevermind. I gotta go. Bye." He hung up.




"Okay so can you drive Tori?"

"Yeah I can. I got my learners permit on Wednesday!!" She shrieked.

"Good because you'll be driving us to your house. I told my parents I was staying over." Walter said while trying to find a parking space near Nicholas's house.

"I thought your parents were on a trip?" I asked.

"They came back last night." 

"Oh well yeah sure I'll drive. I just need an adult 18 and over with me." Victoria stated. After that, Walter starts to sarcastically cough.

"Oh right I forgot sorry." Walter smiles and we finally found a space. He parked and we walked in the house. After our first step inside, Walter already disappeared. My guess was he's trying to 'do it' with some girl. It was my first party ever so I didn't know what to do.

Everything I imagined a party would be like was right in front of me. Loud music, drunk ass people, people grinding on each other, and well you get the point. Before I could say something to Victoria, someone behind us spoke.

"Hey, want a drink beautiful?" Both of us turned and saw the guy was talking to Victoria. She nodded shyly and before she left with him, she whispered 'Catch you later' to me. I nodded and started walking around until I saw a familiar face in the kitchen. Right when I was about to look away, his eyes landed on mine...

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