Mr. Popularity & the Nerd (19)

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Mr. Popularity & the Nerd (19)

Today went by like a breeze. I did not tell anyone about the incident yesterday. I focused in class, did all my work and got into no trouble with anyone. It sort of feels like I went back to my own self. Right Timothy took me to his 'secret place' to teach me how to stand up for myself. I told him I already knew how to, I just chose not to, he snorted and laughed at me. Rude.

"Okay, so if I come up to you and say 'yo, give me your lunch money'. what would you do?" 

"I would laugh in your face." I responded honestly.

"You're not taking this seriously are you?" 

"Well, it's hard to. I mean, yeah I've heard in books people say bullies take your lunch money but have you ever seen that happen in real life? I haven't."

"Okay fine. Let's try this again. Take this seriously. I will ask you something and if you don't know what to respond say hit me."

"Hit me?" I asked raising a brow. 

"Yeah, hit me. Alright ready?" I nodded. "Actually no, I can't do this. I don't want to... act like a girl. Call your friend Victoria up to meet us here. We could use her help."

"Giving up now are we?" I smirked as I pulled out my cellphone calling Victoria. Almost immediately she agreed to come. No, I'm just kidding. She kept complaining about how she was too lazy to drive up here or something but after a few pleases, begging, and whining, she finally agreed to come. It wasn't long till she drove up here. 

"Okay, so Victoria you pretend to be a Christy or something and Paris, you be you. I'll be here to judge your speaking."

Right away, Victoria got into her imitating voice. She snapped her fingers and said, "What do you think you're staring at bitch? Trying to get some of this?" She motioned her hands to her body and I gulped. Wow, she was good.

"I-I uh.. n-no." I stuttered.

"No, Paris! Build up self confidence. Don't be afraid. Feel the hatred towards her. Don't hold the anger back. You've had enough of this. What are you going to do?" Timothy coached. "Tori, go again."

I raised an eyebrow at Timothy. "What?" He asked. "Did you just call her Tori?" 

"Yeah, so? What's wrong with that?" He retorted. "Nothing. Just nothing, Timmy." I smirked.

"See! Why can't you do what you're doing with me to her? You have courage to stand up to me but not Christy? I'm way scarier than her." I realized he was right. If I could stand up for myself without stuttering or stammering in front of him, I could totally do this to Christy. 

"You're right! Tori try again." She nodded and started again. "What do you think you're staring at bitch? You trying to get some of this?"

"Hun, the only thing I'm staring at is that tree. At least the view looks better than you." Tori clapped her hand and Timothy only nodded.

"What? Was it not good?" I asked him. "It was good, but you could have done better." 




I walked into the big building all filled with confidence. I've had enough practice yesterday to know there was nothing to be afraid of. All Christy was good at doing was throw her dirty mouth in front of me. I walked towards Christy's locker hoping to wait for her, but she was already there. As I was approaching them, her friends tapped her shoulder and pointed towards me. Right away, a smirk took place of those big lips.

"Hi little girl. May I help you? Are you lost? Do you need to find your mommy?" She teased. 

"Sweetie, just because you were 7 inch heels doesn't make you taller than me. I bet if you took off those dang heels, you'll be half my size." A smirk now, finding its way onto my lips as anger filled her face.

"Bitch, what did you say?"

"Oh you heard me."

"Well, it doesn't matter. I'm still better than you." She whipped the few strands of hair that was falling in front of her to the back of her head.

I took a few steps closer to Christy, my mouth only a centimeter away from her ear, and whispered, "Yeah, says you. And do me a favor, next time don't touch me or talk to me. I don't want to waste my time with you anymore." I bumped shoulders with her and walked away. When I was out of sight, I breathed deeply. Oh my god that was scary. 

"Paris?" A very familiar voice spoke behind me. My heart started beating faster as I turned around to look at my heartbreaker, the most handsome boy I ever laid eyes on. 

"A-Austin. Wh-what are you doing here?" I asked. It was hard to speak to him without wanting to cry but I tried to control myself.

"Well lets see. We're in a building filled with classrooms, lockers, teachers, students, and books. I'm learning how to juggle." He joked.

"Wow, after the past 2 years you still haven't changed."

"Nope, not one bit."

"Seriously Austin, what are you doing here?"

He smirked and walked closer to me. I could feel him breathing on my neck. "I came back for you Paris. I still love you and I never stopped. You're mine and don't you forget that." As he spoke, a chill went down my spine and he took a step away from me. Enough so he could see my full face.

"No, back the truck up. You NEVER loved me. It was me that loved you and I still do. I don't know why. You lied and manipulated me every day. I've had enough of you. I was yours Austin, not anymore." I took a step forwards towards him and whispered in his ear, "Don't you forget that it was you that let me go." I shoulder bumped him and ran out of school.

I didn't stop running until I was home and out on my front porch. How could he do this to me? Two years later he comes looking for me and he tells me that he loves me? If he was going to lie, he should have at least made it believable.

I sat on the steps and cried my heart out. All these feelings, all these emotions I've hidden from the last 2 years all came pouring out. It was like God felt my pain or something because right at that moment, it rained. It wasn't a light rain, it was pouring. Like cats and dogs. Instead of heading inside, I stayed right where I was on the stairs. I didn't care if I got wet. I didn't care about anything at this point.

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