Mr. Popularity & the Nerd (11)

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Mr. Popularity & the Nerd (11)

I quickly turned around and took off before he could catch me. I turned around and saw he was right on my trail so I made a ran for it. I ran up the stairs to the second floor and entered the first room I saw on my left. The lights were off so I was probably the only one in there. I heard footsteps coming close to the door. The door opened and I held my breathe. Soon moans filled the room and I screamed. The guy and the girl looked at me crazily and left the room. Oops. When they left, footsteps filled the room again. Thinking it was another two teenagers trying to having sex I turned on the light hoping it would tell them 'get another room, but I was wrong.

"What are you doing here?" I asked him.

"Shouldn't I be asking you that?" 

"I was invited by Nick. Now answer my question."

"I'm Timothy Martinez, why wouldn't I be here?"

I rolled my eyes at his response. Did he really think he was that cool? I mean yeah I get man. You're one of the popular kids that hang out in the cool crowd. No need to rub it in my face.

"I mean what are you doing here. In this room. Alone." I pointed to him and then the room and then back at him and the room again.

"I saw you here. You're not suppose to be here. Let me bring you home before you get in trouble." He grabbed my wrist and dragged me out of the room.

Psh. When did he care what I do?

"No. I'm not going." I yanked my wrist out of his hand. Ow it hurts. Instead of rubbing my wrist I stood bravely.

"Yeah you are. Or I mean I can just call your brother and tell him where you are and let him drive you home."

"Are you threatening me?" I glared at him.

"If that's what you want to call it, fine."

I groaned and gave in. I mean, I'm the good girl what else was I suppose to do? I didn't know any lies or anything.

"Let me go say bye to Walter and Victoria first."

"Who's Walter and Victoria?"

"My friends..." I dragged out and he just shrugged. I rolled my eyes again and left to find Walter and Victoria until someone tapped me from behind.

"Timothy just let me say-" I turned and saw it wasn't Timothy. The person who stood right in front of me was Nick.

" I'm sorry. I thought you were Timothy and I-"

"No it's okay." He laughed at my rambling.

"I'm glad you came to my party." He nodded at me and took a sip of the beer in his hands.

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