Mr. Popularity & the Nerd (15)

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Mr. Popularity & the Nerd (15)

"-nd then Timothy stopped her." I took a deep breathe and breathed out. Right now Victoria, me, and Walter were over at my house and Victoria was bugging me to tell Walter what happened so I did.

"You know, I'm starting to think he likes you." He ate a handful of popcorn.

"That's what I told her! And she was like 'no, he doesn't'." Victoria imitated and I gasped.

"I do not sound like that." Victoria raised an eyebrow at me.

"I do not!" I whined.

"Mhm sure. Whatever helps you sleep at night."

"So..." Victoria dragged out.

"So what?"

"When is Anthony coming over?" Victoria mumbled.

"What?" I asked her.

"When is Anthony coming over? I mean not that I care or anything but when is he?" 

"Ohhh I see someone still has a crush." Walter wiggled his finger towards Victoria and she slapped it away.

"I'll call him to see where he is. Be right back." I grabbed my phone and went towards the kitchen. I went to my contacts and found Anthony's name. Since his name started with an 'A', it wasn't that hard to find him. 


"Hey Anthony. You busy right now?"

"Uhh yeah a little... actually no. Why? What's up?"

"Oh it's okay if you're busy. Nevermind then. I'll see you later."

"No wait Paris it's okay what's up?"

"Nothing it's just if you remember them, Walter and Victoria are over and they want to see you but if you're busy it's fine. You can see them next time. Bye."

"Wait Par-" I hung up and walked back into the living room.

"He's busy.. I think.." 

"Oh shucks." Walter pouted towards Victoria and she glared at him.




 Day 6

"Thanks for driving me to school today. I know Jason called you but I could've just walked."

"You live 10 blocks away from the school Paris." Timothy said while walking to catch up to me.

"Yeah but still."

"1 more day left babe." He winked.

"Don't call me babe. I'm not your babe."

"Not yet but you will soon." He kissed the side of my head, winked, and walked off.

"Who's that kissing you?" A voice asked from behind. I turned around and saw it was Anthony.

"Oh hey Anthony, what are you doing here?"

"I'm gonna go to school here with you. Oh and I just want to say, I'm really sorry about yesterday but I will make some time to hang with you and Victoria and Walter soon. I promise. Now which way to the main office?"

"It's okay and alright. You promised and um you just turn left there. I got to get my books before class starts so I'll see you later." I walked away from Anthony and towards my locker.

I entered my chemistry class and saw some unfamiliar. Since last semester was over, after spring break some of people got assigned to new classes. Right when the bell rang. students filled the room. Once they were all seated, we waited for the teacher to come in but he didn't so people started talking and moving around. I, for one, just stayed still in my seat.

There was an empty seat next to me so I decided to move my books over to that seat but my books were soon pushed off.


"Hey!" The girl that tried to slap me yesterday mimicked me. Great, she's in my class now. I rolled my eyes hoping she wouldn't see and went to pick up my books. When I bent down, her other friends kicked it out of my reach and furthur in front of me. 

"Hey look everyone. It's the nerd chasing down the only thing that helps her live." Everyone in the class laughed. I was on the verge of crying but I didn't. This was the first time someone has actually bullied me in front of a crowd. I sniffed a lot to hold back my tears.

"What's that? Is the loser crying?" And again, every one laughed. I had no idea what I ever did to her to deserve this.

"Well I'd rather her be a loser than some bitchy slut." A guy's voice said. I looked up to see Timothy standing right in front of me. He pulled me off the floor and held on to me.

"At least I'm not some fucking prostitute like her." The girl said trying to show she was brave but I heard fear in her voice.

"Are you sure about that?" He stepped towards the girl. "Because last time I checked you were the prostitute and she was the innocent one." With that, the girl shut up. This time it looked like she was the one that was about to cry. 

Timothy smiled and said "doesn't feel good to be the other shoe does it?" He picked my books off the floor, grabbed my bag and pulled me out of the classroom. Once we got out, I thanked him.

"Thank you. You didn't have to-"

"I wasn't. I was just so sick of that little bitch thinking she's everything. I was just helping you give her a taste of her own medicine. Now go put these books in your locker go." He hurried me towards my locker. I punched in my combination and put my books in there, then closed it. He grabbed my hand and ran towards the school entrance.

"Uhh Timothy, where are we going?"

"We're going somewhere. Lets go." We ran down the stairs and towards his car. This should be a fun ride. 

During this car ride, I can't help but wonder why Timothy would help me. The first time she tried to slap me, he saved me. This time when I'm getting embarrassed in front of the class, he saved me. Ugh, when I get home I would so be getting a lecture from Jason.

My parents honestly didn't care what my brother or I was up to. Our father left us when I was 5 and went ahead to start a family. I hadn't been in contact with him since. He'd call me all the time but I would never answer one of his calls. Same goes for Jason. Our mother was always away on business trips so Jason had always taken good care of me. That's why he was always so protective of me and I'm glad. 

"We're here." Timothy stated.

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