The Rules

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  (So this one is a but long, more like a diary input and not much like a story form. But I wrote it on the texts so it would be easier to understand.)

   Raymond has not came over since saturday, but it's okay. We have been staying up texting, and texting during the day when he isn't at work. We have gotten to know one another pretty well, this past couple of days. We talked about our favorite things, what kind of vacation we would like, etc. Monday night we had an interesting conversation. So we were talking about what kind of vacations we liked, adding things like watching the stars, sweet tea, fishing etc. Then he replied unexpectantly.

I could be the one to watch the stars with you.

Wait! Are you saying what I think you are saying?

I don't know. What am I saying?

I don't know what are you saying?

I'm not sure. What do you think I'm saying?

No no what are you saying?

I'm not sure

Shall we talk about this?
(So I was thinking he was trying to ask me out, but we have only known one another for a week! I was a little disappointed because I didn't want to date anyone, not after Smoky, and I didn't want a crush)


So first, a young boy and a young girl and boom an attraction right there.

We'll I like to get to know the girl first before the boom

Same here. My rule of thumb is know one another for a month or two before a boom boom

Second. Get to know the family.

Right. You need to know who the parents are.

Is there a third?

Knowing the other person like the back of your hand.

Yes that too

Fourth making sure the other puts God first.

We can't forget about that. And fifth. Have to ask the dad before going out with the girl

(What do I say? I mean that it one of the things I have always had first but... you know got put to the back burner because no one did it)

I am smiling a mile wide! You know how long I have waited to hear that a guy actually values that? I mean that is something that every guy on the world should do.

Well I am southern guy, and I take things like that very seriously.

That's good..... may I ask a question and it not be awkward?

Sure go on ahead.

What do you look for in a girl?

Well someine who is honest, won't cheat lie nor steal. Someone that has good values, likes sweet tea, knows how to play outside, and who has a great personality. One that is special and who I click with.
What about you?

Well, I look for honesty, loyalty, courage. Someone who won't hurt me, one that my family likes. Someone who puts God first and doesn't cheat lie nor steal. Whom can deal with my craziness and all my baggage. One who I can trust with all my secrets and one that I know will treat me right.

I can do all those things..
Umm.... I mean... uhh..

   So we talked about the rules, and what we look for in a spouse etc. But it got me to thinking. And I took out a list I made when I was 10, on what I wanted in a guy when I grew up. And I realized, he had each and every qualifications. I felt my stomach do butterflies again, and I couldn't stop myself from smiling. I began to feel trapped. Like part of me was saying, you got a crush! While the other part was pulling me and saying, you promised no more! I sat there feeling the two sides pull me and stretch me out. I couldn't think, and so I did something I haven't done in awhile. I let go. I let all the nervous, ambitious, and crush emotions wash over me, then I went numb. I told myself not to think, not to feel, and to just breathe. After 5 minutes of that I began to think about it again and I heard a tiny sing song voice say, you got a crush!

(Hi guys! So I am nervous about what to do. We talked and asked one another questions but... nothing that said exactly we are going to date. What is your opinion?)

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