The Odd Response

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I got the courage up to tell him how I felt..

Hey I'm sorry if this hurts you in any way but... love is a strong word and I vowed to myself and my friend that I will never say that word to a guy unless I plan on marrying him...

No that's all good. I'll respect what you want.

Thank you.

Can I least send these? 😍😘💑

Yeah they are cute... but may I ask what you mean by those?

😍 this means you are the buzz to my bee 😘 blowing a kiss 💌 a letter with whatever you want in it 💑 and maybe one day you will be mine

Awe in that case...💑
(I know I'm sorry guys! We have no one another for about a month but it's like I feel as if I have known him my whole life! I want to take it slow but it's like I can't wait.... I'm sorry guys! I am taking your advice on everything! I promise)

In case what?

You're a smart fellow you can figure it out

Well if I ask will you tell me?


Do you kinda wanna be with me?

(Ah snap.. what do I say?)
I may... do you kinda wanna be with me or you kinda don't feel the same way?

No... I kinda wanna be with you a lot

Are you kinda just saying that?

No I'm not just saying that. It's like I can't stop thinking about you.

Same here! It's like everywhere I look I hope I see you there. Every time I get a text I hope it's you. It's like in class I can't think because I'm thinking of you or when we can meet next.
(Oops! I just let the truth out before I could stop jt! No!)

I know this is corny but... If I had a rose for every time I thought of you. I would have an endless walk in my garden.

Awe that's adorable. But yes kinda corny

Yea sorry.. I like you with all my heart and I don't wanna lose you.

That is such a blessing to hear. I don't wanna lose you either. You have changed my life the little time I have been here and I am so thankful God has brought you into my life.

(So that happened... sorry again guys! I promise I do take all your advice to heart!! Please don't get too mad at me!)

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