
18 1 2

    I got out of church and told Raymond hi. Trying to hide the hurt. Anyways, we had a conversation that then did a major turn.

Hey I'm out.

Ya she is!

Lol. What's up?

Guess what we can do tomorrow?

Umm... idk what?

We can eat lunch together.

Really? Yay
Does that mean you will ask me that question you have been trying to ask me?

Yes. It does.

Okay cool. So is it like a question question or a question?

Well it is a personal question

Oh okay. So.... good or bad

It's a question I would like to ask in person.

That's okay. I won't push it. I don't want you to do anything you don't wanna do.

Okay. I'm just going to ask it

Only if you want to.

Okay. I really like you and I know it's early but I want to date you but I don't know if it's okay with you. And it's okay if you don't want to.

(What!? I had it all wrong!? I am so happy but confused but excited at the same time! I then went to my parents and told them Raymond asked me out. Thier response? "Well it's not like we couldn't see the sparks flying a mile away." "I thought you guys were already dating." And "Just as long as you dont exchange in DNA." So I took that as a yes.)

Yas! It took you long enough! Lol Mom says no exchange of DNA.

I don't plan on that. So what is your answer?

Yes! My answer is yes!

Yay! I get the girl of my dreams!

And I get the guy of my dreams.

(So I was wrong! And I am so happy right now! Do you guys think this will work out?)

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