The Unexpected Kiss

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   Today is Monday, two days since me and Raymond broke up. Also ethan broke up with his girlfriend today. I felt terrible. No matter how many times he reassures me, I keep feeling it's my fault. This past week, I've had to talk him out of breaking up with his girlfriend. But in the end, he still couldn't be with her. He says it's because he feels like he is holding her back. Like, she has so much potential and a plan for her life, but she can't do it with him. She can't go to the place with him because you can't have spouses with you where she's going at. I tried reassuring him, but it didn't help.

   Me and ethan have talked a lot lately. Telling one another things and helping one another out. We'll dismorning ethan broke up with his girlfriend. I talked to him afterwards and we hung out until class started. He seemed okay and kept saying he was fine. And what's amazing is that him and his ex is now best friends. Like they hung out at lunch and talked today. Thought it was really cool. Anyways so we walked and hung out before class and talked and hung out with other friends. It was pretty nice he was chill.

    Today at lunch I went and hung out with micheal in his car. Nothing happened. I promise! We just talked and got things off our chest. He is pretty nice and no I'm not developing any feelings for him. He is like a big brother.

    I was heading to the last class of the day, when I see Raymond. I thought I was over him. But appearently I wasnt. The moment I saw him, all the emotions came back. The hurt, pain, mistrust, and feeling of unworthiness. I almost started crying. Halfway through 8 hour, I almost lost it. So I texted ethan. He got out of his class and we met outside to help me calm down. I was so thankful. After talking I walked him to his class, and then he gave me a hug. As he was hugging me I could feel my spirits lift and as he stopped and pulled away, he kissed my cheek! I froze! What!? I-I- what!? What just happened!? I look at him as he walks into the classroom and see his face. He was blushing! Like badly! He looked like Captain America! His cheeks were red and then his nose and then it slowly started to spread to his neck. It was so cute!

(Okay what do I do? He kissed me and now I'm not sure where we stand. Plus I'm not sure if I can go right into another relationship. I don't want him to be a rebound guy or me be a rebound girl. Like.. what should I do?)

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