Try Again??

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       It has been 2 weeks since me and Ethan broke up, and I still feel the pain. I know he is hurt and it is all my fault. I feel terrible. I have lost him, and now I don't know what to do. I ran into him at school yesterday, and he finally said hi to me again. It hurt. A lot. Then I saw him walking with his ex again. Inbetween classes, and to her car, it was strange. It made me hurt a little on the inside, knowing that he has moved on. Maybe, I got too attached, maybe it wasn't meant to be. But how do I just let go? How do I let go of my feelings for him? How do I let go of the pain? 

     He finally texted me back, and suddenly started talking to me like how he used to. I decided to ask him why and he replied, "When I get mad I just stop talking. Then one day I will suddenly talk like normal again. Idk why, I just do" It kinda made sense to me but, also made me upset. I wish I didn't hurt him. I wish he was okay but, perhaps it's time to put things to a rest. 

(That's my last entry. Hoped you enjoyed my dramatic life! I know I started to go downhill on the writing about halfway through, I apologize)

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