Punch in the Gut!

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   So today Raymond had votech and work so we didn't get to see one another. We texted after school though.

Hey. WYD?

Nothing much. Waiting for the bus. You?

Heading to work. I'll TTYL 💑💏👫😍😚

Are you proposing something?
(I said kinda serious but mostly playing around.)

No I'm not proposing to date you

    Oh... my breath was taken out of my body. My heart sunk and my stomach droppped. My head has became light. What does that mean? Just yesterday he said he wanted to talk to me and ask me a question in person. And after what happened last night?
(After the whole thing about what he said. He stayed up with me until about 12 helping me stay calm after my mom was sent to the e.r.)
I thought maybe our friendship grew.... I guess perhaps he doesn't see me that way. Maybe he sees me as a sister...

(Hi. I am so disappointed right now... I guess I shouldn't have gotten my hopes up. What are your thoughts?)

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