The Arguement and Confession

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  I had to talk to my friend about what was going on. We ended up getting into an arguement.

So do you like him?

Well.. As a friend

No he is more than that

No just a friend. But why do you say that?

No he is more. I see the way you look at him. The way you talk about him.

No I don't do that! I look at him the same way I look at you!

No you dont! You can't see it but everyone else does!

Maybe everyone needs glasses!

Sara! Just admit it! You like him!

No I dont! Just as a friend!

Sara you don't have to hide anything from me!

I aint!

Maybe you're hiding it from yourself!?

I ain't hiding anything from me!

Sara  you have a crush on him!

No I dont!

Just admit it! You do!

No we are just friends!

Sara! *sigh* do you ever feel.. different around him?

Well.. yeah but-

Okay do you feel anything when your not around him?

(I thought for a moment) Yeah I suppose I do... what are you getting at?

What do you feel?

Well... When I ain't with him I - I (I stopped as I realized something) I feel lonely and lost. I can't wait until I see him again.

And when you do see him? (She says in a calm voice)

I get butterflies all over again. I am over excited. And I get disappointed when I have to leave.

She looked at me with care in her eyes. That's when I finally saw the truth. That maybe I really do have a crush on him...

(Hey guys! So... yeah that happened.. I guess I just had to realize it myself..)

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