It's Official

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   I finally got a text back yesterday. I tried to talk it out with him, I really did but he just kept saying he didn't know or he didn't care. I eventually realized this was too much. The pain of trying to keep this relationship going wasn't worth it. So I told him that I think it would be best to just break up. He said okay and it doesn't matter to him. Ouch. He really didn't care. I guess I shouldve seen this coming though. I mean there is no perfect guy, just those that need more work.

   Looking back I realize what has happened. A week ago he wanted to kiss me, but I told him that he was moving to fast. Since then he's been pushing me away, and not caring. I shouldve seen it while I had the chance. I just hope that everything works for him. I hope he can find the one that will make him happy and can be there for him in ways that I couldnt.

   I don't know what to do. I feel numb. I don't hurt, grieve, or feel upset. I gave those worries to God, however it's like I feel down anyways. I'm not sure what to do. Do I continue my friendship with ethan? Are my friends gonna still be my friends? Or are they gonna pick? I don't want them to have to pick and if they do pick I want them to pick raymond. He was thier friend first. Is it gonna get any easier?

I guess the good news is I can flirt with everybody again without being looked down on because I have a boyfriend. I can also now hang out with guys. Couldn't before because Raymond got to jealous. So.. good news.

(Yeah.. so I'm officially a single lady. What do you guys propose I do?)

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