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(Hey guys! Sorry been trying to find something to write about. But big news happened today so wahlah)

   BFB= Boy friends bruder. It is spelt bruder because really it is Raymond best friend Ethan. Anyways something odd happened but first let's get you caught up. So I went to the swimming center with Raymond one night to go to his friends Ethan little sister birthday party. That's how we met. He seemed to be a pretty cool guy. Very chill, funny, and definately down to Earth. Well we have became friends and seen one another quite a bit. Well I mean when I hang around my boyfriend his friend is there so yeah we see one another. Anyways, one day he ask for my number. I was sitting with Raymond during lunch, when Ethan pops up and ask me for it. I turn to Raymond to see if it's okay and he shook his head. So, I gave it to him. That day he texted me more then Raymond did! And that's saying something! It was mostly light talk, weather, band, school etc. Until today. Let me remind you he has a Girlfriend. And we talk about her but something peculiar happened today.

Penis butter


Peanut butter! Oops stupid auto correct

Uh huh sure


Nvm. Can't believe it said that lol

Well you den

You would wouldn't you?

You mean you right?

Wait! Don't actually answer that!

Hehe umumummmumm
I ain't saying nuttin

Wait!? What were you gonna say?

No you said you didn't wanna know so I guess I can't say den unless you just wanna know

Well yeah I kinda wanna know now then that you said something.

Yeah I would cuz your really nice and really cute but idk if I would cuz of Ray Ray

Oh.... Thank you? Ig

So yeah... it was pretty awkward but then we started talking normal again and he said I could ask him anything. At first I was like okay but then I was like hold up, you mean anything like even off color subjects? (Meaning it playfully) and he said yes. He's pretty cool. I mean I cay pretty much anything around him and he won't judge and vice versa. I'm starting to become weary though because I don't want any feelings feelings to occur. Also, I don't want Raymond to become jealous. Do you know what I mean? And I got a question. Do you guys think I should tell Raymond? Would he become mad if I do? I mean what will happen if I don't? I don't want them two to drift away from one another... what should I do? Tell Raymond what Ethan said... or keep it a secret?

(Hey guys really need help in the moment)

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