Chapter 4

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I was frozen, in shock. Those three words 'I'm getting married' kept and coming in my head and it was an echo repeating and repeating itself. I Didn't know what to do, I couldn't get these damn words out of my head.'Hello?' jake said. Y..yea uh.. I.. I don't know if I could make it to your wedding b..but I'll try, I stuttered.'Ok, bye', and he went.

Why am I so sad about this? I mean he was such a jerk to me and I was just..I don't understand how he left me and forgot me so easily.. I mean he cheated on me so I shouldn't be hurt I should be brave and move on right? I guess it was really hard to let someone who you truly loved let go. I said to myself. I cried. I wanted to kill everyone, everything and mostly myself. I was so angry yet sad. I threw everything on the floor, one by one letting all my anger out on everything, I leaned against the wall, crying and just letting myself fall. I looked in the mirror and threw the glass vase at it and it broke. No one loves me because I was ugly, I was as ugly as hell that's why I got betrayed that's probably why my parents left me everything is my fault. My whole life is messed up all because of me!

I went outside wanting to get some fresh air and to calm down after what had happened. I just walked, I wasn't focusing on anything or anyone. I didn't know where I was going, I just didn't care even if I died I wouldn't care. After a little while I went to the cafe and had some hot chocolate. I sat down and looked around until I saw a boy...
Find out what happens next Byeeexxx

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