Chapter 21

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Please stay over for the night. I said with a puppy dog face.' Ok.' Yay!! I said excitedly. We got comfortable and got some popcorn and watched quite a few movies. We just talked and talked throughout the whole movie.' So Sof anything up with you and Zack.' Uh.. It's about time I come clean and tell her about the kiss. So uh.. We um.. K..kissed.' What?!'
I told her about everything that happened and she understood. I also mentioned about how HE came and kissed me, not that I didn't kiss him back but um.. Yea.' Wow. So much happened Sof and you didn't even tell me one thing?!' I looked down at the floor nervously. I was waiting or the right time to tell you so, sorry.' No it's ok, I'm not mad, I'm just surprised. By the way was it a hot kiss?' She said wiggling her eyebrows. Shut up. I don't like him and he doesn't like me, he just kissed me cuz it reminded him of his ex. The kiss doesn't mean anything, he wants to forget it all and he wants me to do the same too.

'Oh, babes I'm so sorry, I understand how you feel.' We talked and talked the whole entire night and just cuddled together on the sofa. We finally fell asleep as we were so tired.....
Next morning.....
I woke up did a big fat yawn and see myself on the sofa. I turned to see that Maneera wasn't near me.' Morning!' Oh morning. I said rubbing my eyes, half asleep. I'm going to freshen up and stuff.'Ok.' Maneera nodded. I went and brushed my teeth, changed, and the daily stuff. I then went downstairs and I could smell the beautiful aroma. Pancakes! We both said and then laughed. We both ate breakfast and just talked about life and all that stuff.' 'We're going to do some clothes shopping.' Said Maneera. Whyyy??? I like doing shopping but I'm just so tired and not in the mood for anything, just my lazy self.' Come on! Get your ass up or I'll make you get up.' Ok,ok, sorry mom! I shouted as she laughed. I went upstairs and put on some makeup. I put on eyeliner, mascara, highlight, contour, you know, girly stuff. I then but on my hijab and wore a skirt with a nice top. I then put on some flats as I didn't wanna wear heels cuz my feet would hurt and trust me, Maneera shops for years! I can't even explain. 'Come on!' Coming! I shouted back. I went in Maneeras hot, white Ferrari and looked around, loving the car. I sat on the passenger seat as she was driving and we finally arrived.

'Come lets go here first.' She said excitedly. And yep.. She started looking around, shopping for years. This girl can't stop. I love shopping as much as she does but wow, I don't shop for billions of years. I just laughed at her as she looked at some clothes with big eyes.' What?' Nothing, I chuckled. We went everywhere! Literally we went in every shop there was in this building. We then sat down and had some Mcd's and then went home. We were there for hours but it felt like years. I was never so happy to be home, oh well it was a good day I guess. Made me forget about Zack and everyone else.' I'm going home now, see ya.' Ok bye, I waved.

Hmmph I jumped on the bed and sat down and scoffed. I went on my phone and checked that I got 2 messages. Zack, today at 5:00.
Hey, sorry I couldn't answer my darn phone, I was busy so I couldn't call you back. I got your message and voicemail btw, what's up, are you ok?
Unknown number, today, min ago.
Hey baby, how was shopping? Did you have fun? Ok forget all that, meet me at Starbucks at Whitby road in half an hour. If you don't come then let's just say that you won't survive. P.S. I'm watching you. Love youxx.....Yours.
What?! Oh god, now what? Should I meet this stranger? Who is he? He knows I went shopping with Maneera, he's watching me! I said as I closed all curtains and locked the doors and windows. What should I do? Please help me Allah! If I tell Zack he'll get worried and Maneera, I made her get worried already! I walked back and forth, same direction, having no idea of what to do and who to tell. Ugh you know what? I'm just going to see this stupid stranger and if he kills me it's good isn't it. I'll be dead all at once and all problems are solved.
One hour later.....
I arrived at the Starbucks, looking around. There was nobody's there just the people who work there.' Hi, do you need any help.' Said the lady. Oh, no, thanks, I'm just looking for someone.'Ok.' She nodded. I checked my phone as it buzzed. Unknown number, today, now.
Are you here? Yes I am I texted back. Good, come outside. I opened the door and walked slowly shivering in fear. I'm outside, I texted. Turn left. I went left and kept and walking and saw a guy with a black hoodie on. I couldn't see his face as it was covered with his hoodie.' Hey beautiful.' He said as I was shaking. W..who and ..what you w..want? He turned around and slowly uncovered his face. I said, surprised as I was going to fall and faint. ITS YOU!!!......

Hey guys!! Hope u liked this chappy. Who's this stranger???? Why is he calling her beautiful? How do they know each other? Has she hidden a secret that's in her past? What's the secret?? Find out in love hurts.. Stay tuned!! Love y'all Byeeexxx

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