Chapter 11

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'Oh my Allah, is this true?!' 'Mashaallah!' 'Sofia omg you actually wanna become a Muslim?' I nodded excitedly. Ok so um.. What do I do, like I know you pray an stuff but I need to know more things. 'Well we read the qur'aan and pray our five daily prayers. We keep clean'... Maneera was talking to me about Islam for a loooong time but it was a good loooong time. I'm really happy, I can't believe it. 'Ok let's go to the masjid'. (mosque).
After a while....

We arrived at the mosque and I wore along burka/abaya sort of dress and wrapped a scarf round my head. We went inside and I took my shoes of and Maneera told the imaam (owner of mosque) that I wanted to become a Muslim. He showed me how to pray like what to say and things like that and told me about Islam, then I said I believe in Allah and his last messenger which was prophet (SAW). I went home and waved goodbye to Maneera and she waved back. I was really hungry so I thought of making some lasagne. Hmm.... Smells delicious. I had a shower and it was the best warm shower ever. I prayed my Maghrib nomaz and ate the lasagne and then went to sleep. It was such a nice sleeepp...
The next morning...
I woke up and did wudhu and prayed then ate some waffles. I went up to get my phone, then I heard it ring. Ughh, ,what does he want? What? I answered. 'I'm fine, thank you for asking.' He said sarcastically, I rolled my eyes even though he couldn't see me. 'I wanted you to know that my wedding is today don't forget to come.' Oh darn I forgot, I said in my head. Um.. Yea I'll be there with Maneera. 'Ok bye.'
Oh shit I don't know why I said yes to go to the wedding. I don't wanna see jerk face, ughh. I called up Maneera to say that we were going. 'What?!', she said sounding shocked and a bit surprised that I said yes. Well um.. I had to, um... I'm sorry please come, pleaseeee.. 'Fine.' Oh shit I got work and I just started it a few days ago, I can't just take a day of, ughh what should I do???

Ohh will they go to the wedding or not find out what happens next... Byexxxx ✌️✌

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