Chapter 23

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"Hey Sofia". She said with a smile. Oh hi...I smiled back nervously as the vision kept and coming back in my mind repeatedly. Stay away from Maneera and Zack, or else.. I snapped back into reality and see Maneera waving in my face...oh I know that this will be the worst day of my life....

"Hey you ok?" Maneera said worriedly. Yeah, I'm fine. I couldn't tell her. I know I have to but just..not right now. "Are you sure? Cuz you know I'll always be there for you, no matter what." Thanks... I know. I've just, um.."Just what?" Maneera asked. Just been through a lot lately. I said murmuring between my teeth." What?" Maneera it's nothing, I'm fine.. Um I got to go to work..cya! I said as I ran off. "Sof..." "What is up with this girl today?"

I rushed into my car, thinking about my vision. It kept and coming, going, and coming over and over again, like I was re-living the moment again, and again. I felt like screaming. Why is he here after so long? Why isn't he dead?! Why am I getting punished for his mistakes?! Everything that he has done has destroyed my life! Ugh!! I drove home as fast as I could, forgetting everything around me apart of that one thing.

After what felt like years. I arrived at home. I took of my headscarf and called zack.. "Hey, haven't seen or spoken to you for a while." Yeah I know.. I chuckled. Well um Zack..I just wanna let you know that I'm not going to be able to make it to work today.. I'm really sorry." It's fine. I have other employees working for me so they can help me with all the work I need." Um.. So, you're ok with it? "Yeah, yeah." Ok well that's great, thank you, I'll hopefully come tomorrow, I'll let you know, see you soon. "Your welcome, Bye sweet cake." He still calls me that!!!! Eeeh.. Um.. Bye. He chuckled.

Got a text message from unknown..
"Hey babe, have you done what I told you? I rolled my eyes as I read the "babe" part." Meet me at the centre shop across your house." What the heck?! How the fudge does he know where I live?!!! Ugh!! Fine! I replied back. "Good girl, see you. Don't miss me too muchxx". Ugh he disgusts me.
Well I have to go now.. I Wrapped my hijab around my head and set off..

10 minutes later....
What do you want? "Babe stop asking me so many questions and give me a kiss already. He said as he stepped closer. Move away!! I screamed as I stepped back." Babe I'm sorry, you know I love you, I just want a kiss.." He said with a puppy dog face. That face doesn't work on me ok! He came even closer and I pushed him away. I need my space!" He came even closer and put one hand on my waist and the other on my face, leaving no space for me to go, nor make a move. Please go away!" Baby I wanna taste you. Just one kiss from you and when I marry you we'll make so much love, so much that you'll want more. I screamed and cried and tried all my strength to push him away. But I couldn't. I couldn't.

"Oi you mother f*cker don't you f*cking dare to touch My girl!" Zack! I screamed in pleasure. "Sweet cake don't worry, I'll teach this b*stard a lesson."
"What will you do? I'm so scared." He replied sarcastically. Oh, what will I do? Well I'm going to show you, a**hole, Zack spat with anger as he threw punches at him. No Zack don't. I cried with fear. Just leave him please. "No Sofia he needs to learn a lesson."He kept and throwing punches and there was blood all over his face. Zack was also beaten up by him. He had a few cuts on his lips and his face was red with sores and bruises. He was thrown on he floor and thrashed like some garbage. I felt bad. But he deserves it." You can hurt me all you want, but remember the deal Sofia." He whispered in my ear as he got up. I will come for you.. Ihsaan sadiq will come.. He said and left in a beat....

Heyyyyyyyy y'all I'm sooooooo sorry I haven't updated in like so many months and I truly apologise. I hope you liked this chapter. Now that Ihsaan is back in Sofia's life what will he do? Who is he anyways? And what did Sofia mean when she said, how is he not dead?! Read more to find out the secrets and the past of Sofia's life and relationship with Ihsaan. Please like,share,comment and ya know.. Love yaxxxxx

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