Chapter 22

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He slowly uncovered his hoodie, showing me who he is. I stepped back a little trying to remember who he was. IT'S YOU!!!!.....
I..It's him. No... It's a dream. Pinch me. Oh Allah kill me now. I closed my eyes wishing that it's not real, wanting him to go away. I then opened my eyes and see him standing there. W..why are you here? W..hat do you want? I said shivering in fear.

'I want you.' The three words he said hurt me.. It hurt me so bad I just wanted to die. He is back. The monster is back...' Look, I want you, ok?! I want to marry you and love you and touch you, like I always wanted.' Those words came back to me. They made me feel uncomfortable and scared, so scared that I wanted to curl into a ball and just hide, all by myself." You converted to a Muslim." Mashaallah. Now we can definitely marry for sure! Now you won't have to convert anymore, and we can marry each other! Aww I can imagine what our kids would be like. So cute and pretty just like you. Ugh!!!! I said in disgust. You and me will never happen! NEVER!

He came closer towards me, cupping his hands on my cheek. Stay away from me! I spat. 'Oh my dear Sofia. Yes we will. I will make it happen!"He said squishing my face with his large hands. Stop it! I screamed in pain. He finally let go. You tried to hide from me and be free didn't you?You thought that I would never find You? Oh baby, you were wrong. No matter where you go I will ALWAYS find you? Understood?!' A tear rolled down my eyes as he said the last sentence.' I will always find you.'
'Baby don't cry, why are you crying? Cuz u made me cry you freak! Stay away!' Woah chill out. Now here's the plan. You stay away from Maneera and Zack or else... You don't wanna know what's going to happen. How do you know Zack?... I asked. You don't need to know. I have my people, Ok?! I want to marry you by next week and if I don't, I'll be marrying your dead body.'

W..what?.. I whispered with fear. You better marry me, because I always keep my word and I promise you that I never break my promise! He spat. I will force you to Marry me, no matter what ok?! Now go to your idiots and tell them. By the way I got my eyes on you.' He said as he pointed his fingers at me. An off he went....

After a while I arrived home and walked side to side non-stop, wondering what to do. I thought of calling Maneera. Should I? But I don't want Maneera to get worried, I know I tell her everything but... I guess I won't, for now at least.
Oh Allah please help me find the right path, please guide me to it. Hopefully inshallah, Allah sorts out all problems.

I didn't know what to do so I went to sleep....
The next morning.. I woke up had a beautiful shower and got dressed. I wore a nice long blue Abaya which reached down to my feet. I then wrapped my scarf and went to the shops. I need to do some grocery shopping so like yea.. I got some fruit and veg and also some other stuff. As I was going to pay for my stuff, I met up with Maneera.

"Hey Sofia." She said with a smile. Hi.. I smiled back nervously as I remembered what He had said to me. 'Stay away from Maneera and Zack, or else...' I snapped back into reality and looked at Maneera... Ohh this is going to be the worst day of my life...

Love hurts...Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt