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Handa-Kun has the most satisfying ending ever and it made me cry out of happiness and y'all should watch it. I guarantee satisfaction.

Arthur knew Francis had wanted kids since their third date, even if Francis didn't know it himself.
The Brit saw the way he smiled at expectant mothers and babies in carriages. He saw it in the way he let little girls braid flowers into his hair when they went to the park and how he talked with their mothers like they were goddesses in his eyes.
Francis was meant to be a father. There was no doubting the fact.
That was the reason he and Arthur were sitting on plastic chairs in the waiting room of an adoption agency, hands linked together and excitement in their hearts. Francis was acting like a golden retriever during rush hour traffic. His leg bounced violently and his eyes flickered to the door every time he heard a noise.
It had been a long process of paperwork and inspections and renovations, but soon enough they were reading over the profiles of their two new sons.
The oldest was named Alfred. His photo was bright and happy.
The other one was Matthew. He didn't smile in his picture. He looked scared.
But Francis already adored them.
Arthur tried his best to keep his lover in his seat, but the moment that door opened, he was standing.
Arthur stood too. He didn't show it as obviously, but he was equally excited to see the boys.
They were behind Katsyusha, their social worker.
Francis knelt down, holding his hand out to the first boy, the one with the shorter hair and the blue eyes, Alfred.
"Bonjour!" He said. "I'm your new papa!"
The boy blinked and tried to step forward but his twin held him back.
"What's wrong?" Francis asked, voice delicate.
"Matthew is a bit shy." Katsyusha explained. The smaller blond kept clinging to his older brother's clothes, refusing to let him move any closer to his new parents.
"It's okay." Arthur knelt at his husband's side. "We won't hurt you."
"Come on, Mattie," Alfred put his arm over his brother's shoulders. "It's okay."
Matthew let go of his brother, but he still didn't move forward.
Francis was patient with him. He smiled and waited the full minute it took for the boy to move upward a few steps. Francis carefully pulled him into a hug, lifting him up as he stood. Alfred grasped onto Francis's pant leg, keeping a close eye on his brother.
"Alright, mon garsons! Allons-y."


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I'm totally cosplaying as the suicidal dude from bungou stray dogs for animaritime this year

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I'm totally cosplaying as the suicidal dude from bungou stray dogs for animaritime this year

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