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I don't have class tomorrow so here's two chapters.

"Arzhur, are you sure everyzhing is fine? You've barely spoken all day."
"You want to know the truth?" Arthur questioned as he washed his toothbrush off in the bathroom sink. Francis settled in close to Arthur's back, resting his hands on the Brit's pasty white hips.
"Of course I want to know zhe truzh! Why would I want to 'ear lies?"
"Because sometimes the truth isn't easy to take in." Arthur stuck his toothbrush in its holder and turned around to face his husband.
"Just tell me what 'appened, Arzhur."
"I think something's wrong with Matthew."
Francis sighed. "I told you, Arthur, 'e is just settling in."
"His eyes were red."
"It was probably just the lighting. Gilbert has purple in his eyes and sometimes it shows up-"
"No, Francis. This isn't some trick of the light. His eyes were actually deep red."
Francis kissed Arthur, keeping him from lashing out.
"Mon Cher, you 'aven't been sleeping zhe best lately. Maybe you should sleep in tomorrow."
Arthur rolled his eyes. He had expected Francis to not believe him.
Back when they were meeting each other's friends Francis had thought Lukas and Vlad were a bit weird. He thought it was cute that Arthur still hung out with his old high school friends and even cuter that they had a magic club. To him it was cute, but not something adults do.
"Francis," Arthur leaned as closely to his husband as he could get. "I want to fall asleep with the tele on tonight."
"Are you sure you're feeling okay? I noticed we're almost out of tea..."
"I'm alright Francis." Arthur groaned. "I just haven't watched my show in a while."
Francis breathed out of his nose, as if regaining his composure. "You go settle into bed, I'll go make you tea."
"I just brushed my teeth."
"Peppermint tea?"
This brought a smile to Arthur's lips. "Fine."
He managed to sulk out of Francis's arms and make his way out of the bathroom.
He slipped into their dark room, leaving the light off and found his way to the bed. He felt around for the remote he knew was on Francis's nightstand, grasping it and turning the tv on. He found his way to Netflix and curled up in a ball.
"Mon Cher, I brought your tea." Francis turned on the light, making Arthur hiss at him.
Francis laughed, flicking the switch at his hand back into the down position.
"Mon petite vampire.~"
"Are you talking Twilight vampire or Dracula vampire, here?"
"Which one is sexier?"
"No contest. Dracula."
"Bleh bleh! I vant to suck your dick!"
"OI! The walls are thin in this 'ouse!" Alister called from the next room over.
"SHUT UP COCKBLOCK!" Arthur shouted back.
"Shhh! Don't wake zhe kids."
"Sorry." Arthur took the tea from Francis's hands and started to drink.
Sure, the Frenchman wasn't the best at brewing tea, but he could taste the affection in every sip.
He finished the cup and set it down on his own nightstand. Francis came around the bed and tucked himself under the covers.
"'Ow many times do you need to watch zhis episode?" Francis sighed, looking up at the tv.
"Doctor Who never gets old!" Arthur insisted, tucking himself into Francis's arms.
Sure, Matthew had startled him earlier in the day. But he fell asleep much more soothed than he thought he could be.


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