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Arthur woke up to a soft tug on his arm at about 5AM.
He opened his eyes and rolled over to see Matthew looking up at him, nervous.
"What's wrong? Did you have a nightmare?"
"Can we go for a walk?"
"This late at night?"
Matthew nodded and Arthur sighed. "Why?"
"I need to talk to you."
"Can we do it downstairs?"
The boy nodded again.
"Alright. Come here." Arthur climbed out of bed and took Matthew's hand, leading him downstairs and helping him onto the couch.
"What's wrong?"
"Mama told me to do it."
"To do what?"
"To hurt papa, and to chase Uncle Alister and to pour soap on the floor." Tears formed in the child's violet eyes. Arthur pet his head.
"How does your mother talk to you?"
"She talks in my head."
That was it.
Ghost possession.
"Do you want me to help you?"
"Vlad gave me a book. I'm sure it has the answer. Wait here." Arthur departed from Matthew's side in order to retrieve the book. He flipped to the pages his late friend had bookmarked. They were indeed an exorcism procedure.
Although, it didn't seem like it was fit to use on children, he was sure he could modify the spell to make it less severe.
"Come to the basement."
"Why the basement?"
"I have all my circle drawing stuff down there."
Matthew nodded and climbed into Arthur's arms, whimpering nervously.
"You'll be okay." Arthur assured him as he set the boy down and started to draw circles around him in chalk. He started the incantation without hesitation, not stopping no matter how much his son whined. This was necessary to their family's happiness.
He was almost finished when Matthew collapsed. He held back a curse and finished off the last few lines before jumping at the boy's side.
"Matthew? Shit. Please breathe!" Arthur tapped his face and felt for a pulse. It was there, but weak.
"Shitshitshitshitshit." Arthur didn't know CPR. If Matthew died, all hell would break loose. He had to think of something quick before...
Matthew started coughing, causing Arthur to heave a sigh of relief. He was breathing again.
"Arzhur? What are you doing down..." Francis opened the basement door, gasping at what he saw.
"I can explain!" Arthur insisted.
Francis rushed down the stairs and pulled the unconscious Matthew into his arms.
"I don't want to 'ear it. You did somezhing to 'im!"
"He asked me to-"
"Arzhur, get a 'otel for zhe rest of zhe night, please. I need time to zhink."
"You 'eard me. I can't 'ave you around zhe children if you're going to pull zhis merde."
Arthur felt his head split in two. What the hell was going on?
Arthur stepped back, terrified that this could be the end of it all. He didn't know if he could survive without Francis in his life. Not after being with him for so long.
Maybe he could work this out. Francis just needed some time.
But Arthur didn't know how long that would take.

End of part one.

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