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So, Christmas break starts for me. And you know what that means!
I'll just post what I have so far and jump back into the game once classes start back up again on January fourth.
Today and tomorrow I have classes so chapters will be posted regularly, but on Wednesday I am at home and on Thursday I have a test. So on Thursday you will get a crap ton of chapters. I'll post if I can over Christmas break but I'm even less internet accessible this year. Sorry guys! Have a happy holiday season!

Francis thought it was a good idea to take the boys to the park. Arthur came along, but only because he had the day off work and because the weather was nice.
Alfred held onto his hand, which was exciting. The older twin had formed a bond with his new dad, at least.
Matthew, however, had been cold toward Arthur ever since the red eye incident a few days ago. He was currently latched onto his brother like his life depended on it, only reacting to the speech of Alfred and Francis. Arthur wanted this child to like him, but he didn't know how.
"Aah!" While Arthur was deep in thought, Matthew slipped on the ice and hit his knees against the ground.
Francis stopped and knelt at his side. "Are you alright?"
Matthew sniffled and Alfred let got of Arthur's hand to give his brother a hug.
"It's okay, Mattie." Alfred rocked the smaller boy back and forth. "I'll protect you."
Arthur also knelt onto the ground. He reached toward Matthew's hands but the boy pulled them away.
"It's okay. I just want to make sure you didn't scrape your knees."
Matthew shook his head. Francis lifted the boy into his arms.
"Shhhh. Just relax. I'll carry you zhe rest of zhe way."
Matthew nodded and snuggled into Francis. Alfred grasped onto the Frenchman's pant leg, worried about his twin.
Arthur trailed behind his family, feeling left out. The children and Francis had become so close and the Brit just couldn't keep up.
"Arthur? Is that you?"
The blond looked up to see a familiar face, one he hadn't seen in a while. "Lukas?"
"Hey! It's been, what? A year?"
Francis turned around, looking impatient.
"A year and a half."
"Time flies."
Lukas nodded. "So, you and Francis finally started a family?"
"Yeah, about a week ago."
"Congratulations are in order, then." Lukas grinned in the only way he knew how, softly and with dead eyes. "We should catch up over coffee sometime."
"Or tea." Arthur nodded. "I get off work early tomorrow, what with it being break and all."
"I'm free then as well."
"You can come over around lunch. I'll make sandwiches."
Francis chuckled. "Non, non, non, mon Cher! I will be making zhe sandwiches."
"I've got to go, but I'll see you tomorrow." Lukas started walking away, waving softly.
"Bye." Arthur called.
"See you."

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