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Thirteen is an unlucky number... (Hint hint)

There was a lot of silence on the day when things changed.
But there was a lot of screaming too.
Mostly from Francis. He had finally forgiven Arthur only to find him on the bathroom floor, two bottles at his side.
One was of bourbon and the other of sleeping pills.
He was still warm, but his body was still.
Francis cried and clung to Arthur, begging him to wake up over and over. When the paramedics that Matthew had called for finally came, he wouldn't let go until a few of them pried him away.
Matthew did nothing but watch the scene in horror. He didn't have the luxury of mourning like Francis was. He had to hold himself together.
When he finally settled all the paperwork and talks with police, he asked one of the cops to drive them home, knowing full well that Francis wasn't in the mental state to do so.
Matthew slept with Alfred that night without even explaining to his brother what had happened. He knew Alfred would be there to comfort him even if he didn't know why he was doing it.
There was a lot of crying in both bedrooms that night.
"Did you and pops get in a fight or something?" Alfred asked as he rubbed Matthew's back.
Matthew only sobbed harder.
The next day, Matthew went to school. He just had to get out there and do something to get his mind off of things.
The school held an assembly that morning before classes. The teachers explained what had happened and went through with all the protocols of offering counselling.
They let all the students go home early that day.
Matthew spent the next week or so at home, taking care of Francis. The Frenchman never left his bed during that whole time. He never ate or drank or even spoke. It was hell for the entire family.
On that Friday, both boys stayed by their father's side all day and all night.
When they woke up on Saturday morning, Francis was cold.


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