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"Why are you going out now? I just set dinner down." Francis looked hurt as he lowered a heap of chicken nuggets down in front of Alfred.
"I've got to see somebody."
"Can't it wait until after you eat?"
"It can't. I'm sorry." Arthur slipped into his coat and started out the door.
He felt bad for leaving Francis's meal behind. And his husband was a wonderful cook. But this was an emergency. He had to figure out what to do about Matthew.
He headed through the stormy streets, dodging as many snowy wind gusts as he could until he reached Lukas's place.
He knocked quickly, glancing around him as if he thought he'd been followed.
"Arthur? What are you doing here?" Lukas glanced around him, confused about why his friend was visiting.
"I think Matthew is possessed." Arthur panted.
"Faen! I thought something seemed off about him."
"We need to do something before somebody else gets hurt."
"Come inside." Lukas opened his door all the way. "Matthias won't bother us. He's in his Lego room."
"His Lego room?"
"It was supposed to be a man-cave, but all he does is play with blocks in there like he's a damn child." Lukas rolled his eyes.
"Francis had a similar room for sewing supplies."
"At least Francis has made a career out of fashion. Matthias can't do squat with his Lego."
"Now, sit down. I'll call Vlad and we can get our little gang together again."
"Lukas! Who was at the door!" Matthias skipped down the stairs, running his hand through his hair.
"It's just Arthur. Go back to your room."
"Awe! But I wanted to hang out!"
"Too bad. This is a business meeting."
"That's what she said."
"Fine. I'll go away. But you have to promise to let me use the Lego when we-"
"SHHHHHHHH!" Lukas's face became speckled with pink.
Matthias chuckled and went back upstairs.
"I hate him." Lukas muttered, dialling Vlad's number quickly.
Arthur waited patiently for the Norwegian to explain the situation and hang up.
"He'll be here in ten minutes."
"Help me get all my old spell books out. We can go through them."
"It feels like ages since we did this." Arthur observed as he followed Lukas into his basement.
"That's because it has been ages."
"Fair enough."
Lukas turned on the basement light, revealing a large collection of dusty books.
"Are they still sorted by topic?"
"I'm definitely thinking something along the lines of possession."
"Me too."
"Let's get looking, then."


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