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On Christmas morning, Arthur used to always wake up at six to the sounds of bagpipes in the next room. It had been like that for as long as he could remember.
But this year was the first one where he didn't hear the intro to Reaper's Lullaby or the solo from Bagpipes of War.
It was distressing, to say the least. Christmas felt strangely empty without Alister.
"Arzhur, are you up?" Francis whispered to his still form.
"Yes." Arthur mumbled. Francis rubbed his back softly.
"Zhe first Christmas is always zhe 'ardest."
"I know." Arthur closed his eyes, trying to relax.
"My sister is coming at twelve. I should get started on zhe food."
"I'm coming with you."
"You really should rest. You 'aven't 'ad a full night of sleep in at least a monzh."
It was more or less a fact that Arthur typically got up "for water" in the middle of the night. But he was constantly worried about the boys. He would check up on them practically every hour, just to make sure whatever was possessing Matthew wasn't planning on striking again.
Nothing had happened recently, but Arthur did catch a glimpse of those red eyes a few times. He was reading his old spell books back to back but couldn't specifically figure out what to do.
Which was why he had invited Vlad and Lukas for Christmas dinner. He knew Vlad was extremely traditional, but he had managed to convince the Romanian to put some of that aside for this circumstance.
"I need to clean the house up anyway." Arthur climbed out of bed to Francis's dismay.
"Arzhur, just get your pasty white ass to bed. I'll take care of everyzhing."
Arthur sighed and sad back down on the bed just as Alfred burst into the room, Matthew wrapped in a sheet behind him.
"Can we open our presents now?!"
"Non! Not until after we eat!"
"But papa!"
"Alfred, be patient." Francis lifted the boy up and poked his nose softly.
"Papa..." Matthew was hiding part of his face under the blanket. He looked like the evil Kermit meme. Apparently there were two frogs in this household.
"Can I help you make dinner?" The smallest boy asked shyly.
"Of course!" Francis grinned. "Come on, I'll show you 'ow to make zhe best stuffing ever!"
Francis and the twins glided out of the room without another word. Arthur curled up on his side, closing his eyes.
Maybe he should take a nap...

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