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Me, showing my crush (Pyros75 ) into my house: and this is where I keep my collection of mouse pads with asses and tiddies on them.

Matthew's POV:

"We are not watching horror movies!"
"We are too. Just shut up and pick one out." Lovino shoved the stack of DVDs in Matthew's face.
"Can't we watch a Disney movie...or a comedy?"
"Did somebody say 'horror movies'?" Antonio, Lovino's adoptive father, burst into the living room, a smile on his face like usual.
"There's a difference between normal horror movies and the horror movies in this household and I do not enjoy the latter." Matthew shivered. All the entrails in Lovino's favourite movies and the downright terror of Toni's were enough to make Matthew nauseous. He wasn't particularly nervous of scary movies. But those scary movies were too much.
"Fine. We'll watch one of your boring ones, but we're turning all the lights out."
"Deal." Matthew said, voice shaky. He hadn't watched scary movies without his brother around.
He hadn't done much in his life without Alfred by his side. He and Francis were always super protective of him since as long as he could remember.
"Hey, Matt. Your phone is vibrating."
Speak of the devil.
Matthew reached toward the device he had set on the table and answered without a second thought.
"Bonjour, papa."
"Matthieu? Is everything okay?"
"Oui. Me and Lovi are just aboot to watch a movie."
"'Ave you eaten?"
"You know what it's like here. I haven't stopped eating since I walked in the door."
Lovino jabbed him in the ribs playfully.
"Anyway...how's Alfred? How did his tutor work out?"
"Alfred 'ates 'im."
"Alfred isn't easy to win over." Matthew smirked.
"I 'ave to make dinner now. Call if you need anyzhing."
"I will."
Matthew hung up his phone and set it on the coffee table.
"Your family is way too clingy."
"You're the one to talk. Toni texts you all day and Bella still makes you lunches."
"My palette is precise and she understands what I need!" Lovino turned up his nose.
"Mama's boy."
"At least I have a mama." Lovino stuck out his tongue and Matthew flicked it.
"Ew!" He didn't know what he had been thinking. Now he had drool all over his fingers.
Lovino wiped at his tongue, disgusted. "When was the last time you washed your damn hands?!"
"I dunno. Sometime before I wiped my ass with them." Matthew quipped.
"You're fucking nasty."
"Language!" Bella called from the kitchen.
"Dios mio!" Antonio wailed from the bedroom.
"You're worse than my brother." Matthew giggled.
"At least you get to spend time with yours. I only get to see Feli on holidays."
"How's he doing, by the way?"
"He's too fucking happy and he still wears dresses."
"You're just jealous that Feli pulls off dresses better than you."
"Am not!"
"Prove it!"
"I will!" Lovino started to stand but Matthew pulled him back down.
"What are you doing?"
"I was gonna go put on a dress so you'd see that-"
Matthew cut him off with a soft giggle.
"You don't have to do that. I was just joking."
"Let's just watch a damn movie."
"Yeah. Let's do it."

Yoooo guys! I got fanfiction.net and I'm going to post some of my old stuff on there! You guys need to tell me what fics you like the most so I can post them on there for additional readers! This won't change my wattpad work at all. I promise.

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